A Second Chance

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"Where is Mark?", is the only thing that left my lips.

A feeling of terror, confusion and sadness washed through me as he explained where Mark was.

"Mark was always someone who loved giving surprises. Seems like he didn't tell you that I am his elder brother and I am supposed to be the CEO of the company. I thought Dad or atleast he might've explained why I was absent.", Mr. Taeyong said, smiling warmly.

"I... they didn't tell me anything.", I replied, still not having recovered from shock.

"Jaehyun and I had gone on our honeymoon so I wasn't able to take over the company the moment Dad retired. So I had sent Mark in my place to take care of it for a month.", he slowly explained.

I tried to take the information in.

Had Mark been playing a game with me all this time?

He lied to me. It was all a fucking lie.

Do I not mean anything to him?

How could he hide something like this from me?

I realised I was ready to erupt in tears when Taeyong hyung interrupted me.

"He left this for you. His flight to Canada is tonight at 11:00pm. If I am not intruding, are you his 'beloved Donghyuck' who he kept on crying about?", Taeyong hyung said, handing over a plain parcel.

He had cried over me? Beloved Donghyuck?

"I am his ex boyfriend.", I replied, smiling a bit and accepting the parcel.

"Oh. So it's you my little brother so dearly loved but made a huge mistake. I apologise for the stupidity of my brother. He is still doing something stupid isn't he? You are the first person who Mark actually loved from the bottom of his heart. Him and his stupid playboy ways. I've told him a hundred times to stop breaking people's hearts because Karma is a bitch.  But congratulations on bringing such a change in Markie!", said Taeyong hyung, all out grinning now.

I didn't know what to say.

This was all just too much for me to take in.


I excused myself and asked him if I could take the day off because I had a headache.

"I know it is a lot to take in. I will let you rest. Only for today though.", he laughed playfully.

 I bowed and turned to leave when he stopped me yet again.

"I know Mark isn't the best person out there and I know he did break your heart. Don't think I am asking you this because he is my brother but will you please just consider giving him another chance?", Taeyong hyung asked, with so much of hope that I wanted to say yes.

But I simply smiled before walking out of the cabin.


My mind was swirling with all the events from before.

I was at a loss not knowing what to do.

Mark loves me? 

Do I love him? 

Should I give him the second chance?

How to find Mark?

What the fuck am I supposed to do?

I closed my eyes trying to clear my head, ignoring my fast heartbeat.

It was not working. I couldn't think at all.

I opened my teary eyes and that's when my eyes fell on the parcel.

I hadn't opened it yet.

My heart and mind now pointed in the direction of the parcel from Mark.

I slowly tore open the paper covering not knowing what to expect.

A letter and a photo album fell from it.

My eyes paused at the red album with the numerous hearts covering it and then I realised it was the one I gave to Mark as a Valentine's Day gift.

To keep our memories together, alive.

Author's Note:

Aren't I early? *sarcastically laughs*

Expect some K-drama romance in the next chapter.

I honestly don't know what I am doing with this story.

Feel free to point out mistakes, plot holes, grammatical errors etc.

Also, one of my very talented artistic reader and friend JemmasJamz drew a fan art for me. Please give her your love ❤️

Check out her book Art+Tags if you want to!!

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Check out her book Art+Tags if you want to!!

Thank you so much for waiting!!

Have a nice day ^~^

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