Initiating Kisses

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I feel like the biggest fool on earth.

The biggest fool who goes and almost has sex with his ex. And blurts out how much I missed him.

Oh my God!!

Whatever. I'm gonna take a bath.

As I stepped into the bathroom, I remembered Mark's last words before he left to the grocery.

"Don't forget to thank me later when you start remembering what happened last night."

Fuck. Why am I so stupid?

As I pondered upon my stupidity, I failed to see the bucket on my way which resulted in me hitting my head hard on the wall.


"Ahhh...", I groaned, rubbing my head trying to ease the pain.

"Are you jerking off, Hyuck? Need some help?", came Mark's voice from outside the door.

"Shut up, asshole. I hit my head. ", I half screamed.

"Open the door. Let me check. "

" I am going to bath. I think my head will be okay."

"You open the door this instant or I'm breaking down the door and barging in whether you like it or not."

"Okay, okay. I'm opening it. Damn it."

I opened the door to find a concerned Mark standing there.

"Aish! This kid. Can't you be more careful, Hyuck?", said Mark examining the huge bump on my head.

I had forgotten to stop breathing.

Mark was standing way too close to me. His level breathing on my neck sent tingles up my spine.

And then I did the stupidest mistake ever.

I looked at his eyes. His eyes were filled with so much of worry and love for me.

I couldn't speak. I wanted to tell him to get away from me. But my mouth wouldn't move.

"Hyuck, what are you looki-

Mark never completed the sentence as I had leaned into him and kissed him like there's no tomorrow.


This chapter was a filler. That is why it's this tiny.

I am planning out an ending for this story right now. Hopefully there will be an update next month.


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