The Morning After

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I was in heaven.

There was such a soft blanket warmly encasing me and I snuggled closer to it with happiness.

Wait. From when does a blanket breathe?

My eyes shot open to take a look at my warm, soft blanket.

I almost screamed out loud when my blanket turned out to be none other than

Mark Lee, of course.

I was lying half naked with my face hidden in the crook of Mark's neck, with Mark's arms thrown around me.

I was highly aware of our chests pressed together and our legs tangled into one another.

My heart started beating faster, blood rushing into my face. And somewhere lower.

Fuck. Why are we half naked and cuddling each other?

And suddenly Mark shifted, his arms hugging me even harder and a slight difference.

Now Mark had applied more pressure of his thighs on my lower region.

I couldn't think straight. This is a very dangerous situation.

If Mark won't move his thighs within a minute, I was sure there would be a crisis downstairs.

Mark seemed to have increased the pressure even more.

I accidentally let out a whimper.

"Ah. Mark? Please get up and move you thighs." I whisper screamed.

Mark stirred from his sleep.

Who dares to wake me up from my sleep?

He looked down to see a squirming, blushing Donghyuck. His eyes travel down and find the source of his discomfort.

"Aww. What happened Hyuckie? Is something bothering my little Prince?", Mark asked teasingly, his thighs pressing deeper down onto my bulge.

"Ahh. Mark. It's not funny. Let go, please.", I said, close to tears.

"Shit. I'm sorry. Don't cry. I was just joking with you.", Mark panicked.

I sat up, wiping his tears as Mark let him free. I placed a pillow over my little friend and looked at Mark seriously.

"Why was I in your bed?"

"Umm. Do you remember anything that happened last night?", Mark asked with a smirk.

I feared the worst. What if we had... had... noo..way.

"No. I don't remember. That's why I'm asking idiot."

"Do you remember the club? Lucas? Drinks? Officer Jungwoo? Fight? Anything?"

And then I remembered.

Fuck. I am drugged by Lucas and now he is touching me all over. I'm not supposed to feel good but I am. My body's turning hot.

Everything happened so quickly.

Someone pulled Lucas off me and they are fighting now. People started crowding over and someone broke the fight.

"What are you doing? You're not supposed to fight an innocent civilian.", said the uwu guy.

"This asshole drugged Donghyuck. I saw it with my own eyes.", said an eerily familiar voice.

Shit. That's Mark.

"Well if that's the case, I'm sorry to say but I have to arrest you Mr.Lucas. I will only interrogate you. If Donghyuck  will not press charges, I will let you go."

Lucas seems to have recovered from the initial shock.

"Sure, Officer. Chain me up.", Lucas replies with a sly smirk making the Officer flush red.

"Where is that fucker Lucas? I want to kill him.", I announced, enraged.

"Woah! No need of that. Lucas was drunk too. And he is currently being taken care by my friend Officer Jungwoo."

"OMG. I remember. Officer Jungwoo is the really cute guy who makes you go UWU.", I said happily.

"Yeah.", Mark replied.

I noted how his voice wasn't as energetic as before. Hmm.

"Wait. But the real question is WHY ARE WE BOTH HALF NAKED?!"

"Oh. Umm. We kind of like you know touched each other. Yeah that's it."

"I was drugged, asshole. And you took advantage of it!!", I screamed, picking up a pillow and thrashing Mark.

"Hyuck, Stop. It's you who came onto me first.", Mark said firmly.

"Wait. What? No way. You are lying."

"No. I even made you give consent by recording it so that you wouldn't accuse me today morning. Look, here's the clip."

Mark played a voice recording of me giving complete consent to touch me.
I felt like jumping out of the window.

A massive blush spread across the whole of my face.

Mark's next words strongly ensured that I became a human tomato,

"Last night was fun."


More mature content coming up in the next chapter.


Do you guys want it? I'm thinking of keeping it slight. Idk. I'm not that great at smut.

I'm sorry for the readers who wanted a feisty Donghyuck rejecting Mark.

The book is ending in like two chapters, I think.

I promise my next book will have a feisty Donghyuck and a way better plot.

Thank you so much for being with me this far!!!

Serene <3

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