Chapter 1

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"Sam wake up. Were gonna be late," I yell at my brother hitting him with a pillow I snatched off the floor. Sam shifts in his bed and covers his face with his own pillow.

"Two more minutes, Natt." 

I hate it how Sam is just so lazy. I am too, but at least I know my responsibilities, and when to get out of bed. I look back down at Sam. About now, nothing will wake him up. An idea pops in my head.

 "Sam if you don't wake up, then I'm going to trash your project," Sam's eyes swing open at the word project, but he doesn't move, so I decide to continue.

 "You know what that means. No project means no A, and no A means--" I didn't have to finish, Sam got the idea

"Alright, I get it! I'm up." Sam reaches for the same pair of pants he wore yesterday and slips them on. I can't help but smile at my success.

"I'll wait for you downstairs. Do you want me to take your project with me?" I question, but all Sam does is give me a glare and points a finger at me.

"Okay, but Natt, if you so much as move anything out of place, you're not getting that car." Natt is the nickname my stupid brother gave me.

 I grab his bag off his desk and take a peek, but after I do.....

Trashed. I don't even know what I expected, this dump doesn't really surprise me. In turn, I look at Sam.

 "Bro, you do realize that I can't make it any worse if I touch anything?"

"It doesn't matter. I like it the way it is." I roll my eyes and head downstairs. I see my dad waiting for us on the couch reading the newspaper.

"Are you ready for school, Nataly?" Dad asks me.

"I am. Sam's almost done." I take a granola bar from the kitchen counter and make my way to the car.

 I remember that I brought Sam's bag with me. I enter my dad's small green convertible and sit in the back seat. I bring out Sam's bag to see what's inside. An old map, a compass, and a whole bunch of weird old stuff. I come across a picture of my great-great grandfather. I knew exactly what he's doing his project on. My dad used to tell Sam and I stories about him when we were younger. He called them 'The Great Adventures of Captain Witwicky'. God I hope he'll pull this off. My dad told him to get $2000 for his car and three As. He's got the money but he needs one more A. I don't think he'll get an A on this. It'll be a miracle if he did.

 I hear Sam making his way toward me. I quickly put the bag down and I fiddle with my phone as if nothing happened. Dad came in and started the engine. Sam sat in the passenger's seat and asked for his bag. I handed it to him. After some time driving in silence, dad broke the ice. "So...Sam, if you get an A on this project, you get your first car." I've been on my knees, begging dad to let us have our first car if we pass our projects. I already presented and got a big fat A+ stamped on the piece of paper. Now it's Sam's turn. We got to school and I quickly dash for the class. Sam and I had last period together so I had to wait until then to see how he does.


I sat at the back of the class waiting for Sam's turn to present.

 "Okay, Mr. Witwicky, you're up." Sam makes his way up to the front of the class and begins to dump all of his things from his bag onto a desk.

"Sorry, I got a lot of stuff." Sam says. I glance over to the jerk in front of the class. Trent whispers something to Makaila, his girlfriend. "For my family gene project..." I see Trent take out a rubber band and fling it at my brother while he speaks. The teacher gets out of his seat and looks at the class.

 "Who did...who did that? People! Responsibility." He says pointing a finger at us. Sam continues.

"Okay. So, for my family genealogy project report, I decided to do it on my great-great grandfather, who was a famous man, Captain Archibald Witwicky. A very famous explorer" Sam reaches for a map on the desk and shows it to the students. "In fact, he was one of the first to explore the Arctic Circle, which is a big deal. In 1897, he took 41 brave sailors strait into the Arctic shelf." I gazed upon the map. It must have been a big deal. "So that's the story right? And here we have some basic instruments and tools used by 19th-century seamen." Everybody laughs and the teacher holds out a stop sign that says quiet. Which doesn't help at all.

 Again, Sam reaches for some items on the desk. "Here's a quadrant which you can get for 80 bucks, it's all for sale by the way." Sam says. Is he seriously selling this crap to the class? "Like the sextant here. $50 for this, which is a bargain." Everybody laughs again. I face palm myself and cover my eyes with my hands, not wanting to see what happens next. "These are pretty cool. These are my grandfather's glasses. I haven't quite gotten them appraised yet, but they've seen many cool things."

 The teacher interrupts. "Are you going to sell me his liver? Mr. Witwicky, this isn't show and sell. It's the 11th grade. I don't think your grandfather would be very proud of what you're doing."  That's it, he's sunk.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just, you know, this is all going towards my car fund. You can tell your folks. It's on eBay. I take a PayPal. Cold hard cash works, too. The compass makes a great gift for Columbus day." I look over at the teacher who looks like he's about to punch a hole through the roof.

"Sam!" He finally says. "Sorry. Um...unfortunately, my great-great grandfather, the genius that he was, ended up going blind and crazy psycho word. Drawing these strange symbols and babbling on about a giant iceman that he thought he discovered." The sound of you failed rang through the halls. "Okay might be a pop quiz tomorrow, might not. Sleep in fear tonight." The teacher says trying to scare us. Everybody got out of their seats and went through the door.

 Now we can only hope that Sam gets an A. I get out of my seat and wait at the door for him. I listen intentivly. "Pretty good right?" I hear Sam say. I wait for the teachers response.

"Uh, I'd say a solid B-." There was silent for a few seconds.

"A B-?" Sam asked. "You were hocking your great-great grandfathers crap in my class."

 "Kids enjoy...look, can you look out the window for a second? You see my father? He's the guy in the green car?" Sam explains. Come on Sam, you can do it. "'Kay I wanna tell you about a dream. A boys dream, and a man's promise to that boy. He looked at me in the eye and said, son, I'm gonna buy you a car, but I want you to bring me $2000 and three As." Does Sam really think he's gonna buy this crap. It's true but only a child would do that.

 "I got the $2000 and I got two As. Okay heres the dream, your B-, pfffffff, dream gone. Sir, just ask yourself, what would Jesus do?" I covered my hand with my mouth, holding back a laugh. You go Sammy!! The teacher said something else but I couldn't hear because I was too busy mentally laughing. Sam came out of the classroom with a big grin plastered on his face.

"I'll race you to the car." I say.

"You're on." Sam and I break through the school doors in laughter. People give us weird looks and others laugh.

 Sam beat me to the car. I didn't exactly win first place in the high school track team. "Yes, yes, yes, yes." Sam yelled getting in the passengers seat. I hoped in the back seat.

"So?" My dad asked.

"He got an A." I said.

"A- but it's still an A." Sam corrected.

"An A? Let me see." Sam handed a paper to dad that has a A stamped at the top.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I can't see."

"It's an A. So I'm good."

"Yeah, you're good."

First car here I come!


Sorry guys, my internet went down so i couldn't go on. Here's a little something i decided to make. Thanks

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