Chapter 4

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I see the lake up ahead, but before I let them have their fun, I want to make sure of something. “Sam, are you sure you were invited to this party?”

 “Of course Natt. It’s a lake. Public property.” I shake my head and laugh.

 “And who Invited you.” I ask. Sam said nothing.

 Sam looked at the lake and began to chat with Miles. “Oh my God. Oh my God, dude Mikaela's here.” My brother has had a crush on this girl since forever. Like second grade forever. “Just don’t do anything stupid, Sam.” I warned him.

 “We’ll be fine, Natt.”

 Sam stepped out of the car and made his way to a large tree. “Thanks honey buns.” Miles kisses my cheek real quick before me reacting. How dare he.

 As he steps out of the car, the door begins to close, smacking Miles in the head.

 “Ohhhh.” Miles groans in pain. “HA! That’s what you get.” Miles shakily climbs up a tree. I watched the boys as Sam begins to talk to someone. I couldn’t make out who it was because his back was facing me. Then I see the boy getting closer to Sam. I look around the lake seeing if anyone familiar is here. And sure enough, Mikaela comes up behind the boy and hugs him.

 “Oh no, Trent.” I face palm myself. “Listen, I thought I recognized you. You tried out for the football team last year right?” Trent asks.

 I decide to make my move. I get out of the car and walk up to them. “Hey, watch it buddy.” Trent looks down at me and smirks. He grips onto my wrist. “Hey there sweets.” I pull my knee forward and knee his crotch. I break loose from his grasp and slap him in the face. “Do not touch me, or my brother.” Trent falls to the floor holding his batteries.

 I go to Sam’s side. “Lets go Sam.” I ran to the car with Sam hot on my heels. I look back at Trent. He’s talking to Mikaela, and she walks away.

 I get in the car and put my seatbelt on, along. Where’s Miles? Oh who gives a damn. I start the engine and before I could pull back, Miles climbs in through the window.

 “What the hell?!”

 “What? I just went through the window.”

 “You probably made a dent or took some paint off.”

 “Okay, I’m sorry.”

 The radio turned on saying: “Who’s gonna drive you home tonight?” I smile and look at Mikaela who’s walking by herself. “Hey Nataly what’s wrong with your radio?” Miles asks. “Shut up Miles.”

 I look at Sam who leans against the front fender and looks hypnotized by her. I decided that, this should be Sams lucky day. He stood up for me at the car dealership, now I gotta give him something back.

 “Hey, Sammy?”

 “Yeah, Natt?”

 “Go get her.” Sam automatically whips around and faces me.

 “Are you serious? You’d let me do that?” I nodd.

 “Yeah. You can drive.” I sit in the back seat next to...Miles.

 Sam quickly gets in and faces Miles. “Wait what?” Miles questions.

“I’m gonna drive her home tonight.”

 “What? She’s an evil jock concubine, man . Let her hitchhike.”

 I look at Miles. Are you fucking kidding me Miles?

 “She lives ten miles from here. It’s his only chance, you have to be understanding here.” I say. Come on even I know not to do that.

 “Alright, we’ll put her in the back and I’ll be quiet.” “Seriously Miles? Get out of the car.” Technically. that was the only thing I would do that didn’t allow murder.  

 “Did you just say put her in the back?” Sam asked.

“I-I called shotgun.”

 “You gotta get out of the car.” Sam and I finally agreed. Thank you Sam. Thank you. “That’s a party foul.” Miles shook his head. “The door’s that way Miles.” I point toward the door. “No way!”

 “Get out of the car Miles!” Sam and I yelled.

“You guys can’t do this to me.”

“You gotta get out of the car right now.” Sam ordered. Miles knew that he would not win this one, so he got out of the car and Sam drove after his dream girl. Mean while, I slept in peace.


I woke up to the car stopping. I thought we were home but no. Were barely at Mikaela’s.

 “Thanks, I had fun. Thank you for listening.” She said. “Oh yeah...yeah.” I watch my brother, I bite my finger, trying hard not to laugh. “You, you think I’m shallow?” Mikaela asks.

 “Do I think you’re shallow? No, no, no, no. I think um...there’s more to you that meets the eye.” At this point, I’m not able to hold it in. So I bite down harder. “Okay.” She says nodding. She gets out of the car and I burst out laughing. Sam turns around and looks at me. “More than meets the eye? Are you serious?” I lay on the seats holding my stomach. “More than meets the eye. That was stupid, stupid.” Sam mumbles to himself.

 “Oh God, I love my car.”

 “My car, Sam.”

 We drove the rest of the way home without a word. We did get home before eleven, so that’s a good sign. Sam parked the car and we both went up to our rooms to sleep.

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