Chapter 9

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“Big guys. Big guys with big guns, huh.” The creepy man started looking around.

“Where is sector 7? Answer me!” Sam orders.

“I’m the one who asks questions around here. Not you young man!” The guy yelled, but Sam stayed strong.

“How’d you know about the aliens?” Mikaela asks.

“Where did you take my parents?”

“I am not at liberty to discuss it.” Sam digs into the mans pocket.


“Hey, you touch me, that’s a federal offense.” The man says.

Sam takes out the man’s badge. “Do-whatever-you-want-and-get-away-with-it badge, right?” Sam and Mikaela turn their backs to look at it.

“Yeah. Brave all of a sudden with his big alien friend standing over there.” The man remarked sarcastically.

“Where is Sector 7?!” I called down from Bee’s shoulder. The man met my gaze.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Just then, I notice Bumblebee reaching for his groin, moving something. An orange cork came popping out, hitting the man in the head. The man reached to rub the spot. Some sort of liquid, maybe oil, squirted from the spot the cork came out and soaked the man. I let out a series of laughter, making me roll back on Bee’s neck.

“Hey!” The guy repeated several times.

“Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man.” Optimus ordered. Bee didn’t say anything. He shrugged and closed the latch. Sam went handcuffing all the men.

“Alright tough guy, take it off.” Mikaela says. She walks over to the man. “What are you talking about?” He says.

“Your clothes all of it off.” Oh this is gonna get juicy. All this needs is some popcorn. I look over to be who also seems interested. “Bee?” He looks over to me. “Could you put me down, please?” He gave me a gentle buzz, then sets me onto the floor.

“Little lady, this is the beginning of the end of your life.” Mikaela nodded not caring at all. “You’re a criminal. Let’s face facts, it’s in your gene pool.” The man takes off his shirt then his pants. I bite my tongue to stop me from laughing at the sight of his boxers.  “Those are nice, now get behind the pole.” Mikaela orders.

“Alright.” The man didn’t argue and did what he was told.

I walk over to the man and handcuff him.

“I will hunt you down.” He threatens. I nod not caring a shit what he says. I step away from the pole and go next to Sam. “No remorse!” He shouted. “Okay, good luck with that.” I wave. I ran toward the autobots to hear helicopters and cars coming our way. “Guys.” I call out to them. “Optimus, incoming!” Ironhide said hitting the ground sending  a blue wave of energy at cars approaching. It gives us enough time to escape. “Roll out.” Optimus says as everyone except him transforms into vehicles.

I jog up to him. “Up you get” Optimus lays his hand down for Sam, Mikaela and I to get on. He puts on on his shoulder. Just as helicopters began to swoop over us, Optimus started running. We all shook with each heavy step he took. We made a quick turn under a bridge, and was able to climb in order to hide. Two helicopters flew under us.

“Easy you three.” Optimus whispers. Just as another helicopter flew under us, Mikaela slips along with Sam. I reach down to grab Sam, but I don’t get a good holding Optimus. Mikaela clings onto Sams arm, and he clings to my hand.

“Samuel! I’m slipping, I’m slipping!” Mikaela yells. “Sam! Do something! Help her!” I can’t hold on much longer. Then, their weight was too much for me to carry. My fingers let go and we start falling to floor. The hard wet concrete. “Hold on.” Optimus tried to catch us with his feet, but that turned out to be no good. I hit my face, which hurt like shit. I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for us to hit the ground. Then I hear metal against metal. Too traumatized to open my eyes, something catches us. That must be it, because We would have hit the ground a long time ago.

I open an eye, to see my saviour. Oh my God! I open the other. “Bumblebee?!” I almost burst into tears. I owe him one. He quickly set us down and got to his feet. Sam moves Mikaela out of the way, but I stay put. A helicopter comes into view and it shot a grappling hook at Bee’s arm letting it pull him around.

“Wait! No!” Sam shouted, but it didn’t change anything. Another helicopter comes, and it does the same thing. The momentum from the copters spinning made Bee flip and land on his stomach. “No. Bee!” Cars begin to surround us. “No! Stop!” Sam shouted and the cars screeched to a hault. “Get down to the ground!” The men shouted. Sam and Mikaela do as told. Fuck that. I turn and race toward Bee with soldiers hot on my tail.

One reaches for my arm, but I automatically throw my fist in his face. I continued to run, not looking back. A man tackles me to the ground, but I manage to squirm loose. I grab his gun and reach Bumblebee. His painful cries filled the air, and it just rips my heart out to hear him like that. I look into Bee’s eyes. Full of fear. The soldiers began to spray him with liquid nitrogen.

“You have  to go~it’s not safe~here.” Bee states. I see Sam fighting along side with me.

“No I wont leave you. You guys risked your lives for us. Now it’s time for me to return the favor.”

“Go, you’ll freeze~with me.” Bee tries to get me at a safe distance, but he won't. “If that’s what it takes.” And that’s when I let my guard down. I was tackled to the floor and my gun was confiscated from me. Bee let out a loud whirring noise. I got handcuffed and brought to the same man in the car. 

“Happy to see me?” He remarks.

I give him a long hard glare. When I get the chance, I will rip him apart. “You’re gonna pay for this. You better watch your back.” I threaten. He smirks at me. “Put her in the car with her brother.” He orders. The soldier nodded at threw me in the car next to Sam. I sit still while Mikaela and Sam talk. Tears began to roll down my cheeks.

“Sorry Natt. It’s going to be okay.” Sam wraps his arms around me and I cry on his shoulder. He pats my back trying to comfort me. “W-why, Sam? Why are they doing this?” I cry harder.

“I...I don’t know.”


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