The Viking And The Hybrid Part 1 and 2

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Me: Hey everyone, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Mask and I are doing well.

Mask has helped me because I'm busy with something and I can't really do any writing to his helping me out. So thank him thousand times.

When you reach this sentence, '*EXT. BERK-FOREST-NIGHT*', you've reached part 2 in the story version since I had this and Part 1 and Part 2.


The words, "Chapters 2 and 3 - The Viking And The Hybrid Part 1 and 2", appeared on the screen.

"Darn it," Triforce grumbled.

"What," Mask asked.

"Forgot an unwanted someone," Triforce said before vanishing. She reappeared seconds later, holding the wrists of a brown-haired man with brown eyes. He was growling, trying to pull away from Triforce but her grip was bone crushing.

"Markus, if you don't stop struggling, I'm going to give into the urge to break the bones in both your wrists," Triforce growled.

Markus stopped struggling, wanting to keep his wrist. Emily Bennett gasped at him and hide her face in Steves', her husband, chest as Steve glared daggers at the man. Jamie gulped and didn't move, watching the man Triforce held in her grip.

Triforce dragged Markus back over by Black Night as another chair appeared. Triforce pushed Markus in it before clicking her tongue. Chains appeared and forced Markus to remain in his sit.

"You're here to watch the future of something that's gonna happen," Triforce turned to see everyone was watching the scene that was playing out before them.

"Everyone, this is Markus, Jamie's unfortunate father. Markus, say one word that will cause a problem and I'll duct tape your mouth shut," Triforce explained, glancing behind her at a said man, who closed his mouth.

Triforce appeared back in her seat and pressed that play button on her chair.



Hiccup, 10, runs through the forest breathing heavily. Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut, 11, chase after him.

Everyone looked up, wondering what was going on for Hiccup to run away like that. Hiccup groaned, remembering this day, but then smiled at Toothless, knowing what he had gained.


"Prepare to die, Useless!"


"Yo Useless, what's the rush?"


"Yeah, stop, we just wanna punch you!"

People gasped at the cruelty little Hiccup was shown. Even though this already happened, Hiccup was still hurt by what they were saying. Some Viking looked shocked, not having on known while others smiled at what was happening. This angered Jack, Jamie, Merida, Rapunzel, Flynn, and Toothless to no end.

Toothless held Hiccup close to him like he could protect him from the words being said.

Hiccup looks over his shoulder. He doesn't see the protruding root. He falls head over heels and lands face first in the dirt. Laughter makes him freeze.

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