Chapter 1

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"Davey!" I squeal into his ear. Three months have passed since I began 'babysitting' for the Pinnix family. Dave hasn't actually said it, but I know he is not happy in his marriage. We haven't done anything, just play around.

"I'm sorry, you are just so perfect." He whispers into my ear. He continues to nibble on my ear and I continue to feel weak in his arms.

We have been doing this for about a month now, sneaking out to his barn and just to talk and be together. "This is perfect. I love being here with you, just us." I tell him. He smiles down at me. "Would it be okay if I kissed you right now?" He asks me gently.

Do I want to kiss him? Would it be okay? I want my first kiss to be with him. "Please." I whisper to him. He leans down, and presses his lips to mine.

Electricity shoots through my body. I honestly don't know what to do with myself, so I just sit there and let him kiss me. He runs his tongue over my bottom lip, then he slowly puts his tongue in my mouth.

I run my tongue over the top of his and smile. He pulls away from me and stares at me, I am smiling like a fool. "What are you smiling about?" He asks. "You were my first kiss." I whisper into his lips.

"Well, I could be your first for something else, too." He whispers. I feel myself blushing and the heat is back between my thighs. "I'm not sure if I am ready." I tell him sadly. Hopefully he doesn't take that to heart.

"I will wait as long as you want me to. Just know that I am here waiting." He answers. I am relieved to say the least. Am I ready? Do I want to make that big of a committment to him? He is four years older than me...this is nearly illegal.

What if he gets thrown in jail? "I can't do this..the sneaking around and avoiding your wife. What if you get arrested?" I ask him. He stays silent for a few seconds. "That won't happen. I will make sure we are both safe."He answers.

I trust him, but what if he can't? "Can we avoid the cops? Are you really ready to sacrifice your freedom and your rights to your child just to be with me?" I ask him. I hope he is thinking about what could happen.

"Anything for you. I knew how bad I wanted you from the moment I almost smacked you in the face with the door." He says and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"We will have to be careful, really careful." I warn him. He rolls his eyes at me. "I have been careful up to this point, I think I can be careful until you turn eighteen." He says. It is my turn to roll my eyes. "Cocky much?" I remark.

He laughs and takes my hand into his. "I like this. Just us." He says, quoting me from earlier. "Yeah, me too." I whisper. A light comes on behind him and I jump back. He turns and sees the light. "Get back!" He hisses as loud as he can without alarming the intruder.

I slide back into the shadows behind a crate and find a crack to look through. "Dave? What the hell are you doing out here in the barn this late? Why the hell is your hair so messy?" She questions him. I see her getting closer to him and I pray that she doesn't touch him. If she touches him, I might scream.

"I was just looking for the crate with my fathers books in it." He tells her coyly. She stares at him for a few seconds and then smiles. "They are over here. Where they have been for the last year." She says.

I see her coming closer to my crate. What do I do? Dave looks worried as she continues to get closer. I look around worriedly. There is no escape. I press my back to the wall and helplessely watch her get closer. A few more steps and she will be able to see me.

I look at Dave and see that he is about to scream. I close my eyes and wait for the worst to happen. "What the hell?!?" I hear her yell.


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