Chapter 7

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After I took Kaylyn home, my mom wanted me to go out for a bit. So I decided to go to our special place. Mine and Dave's special place.

I pull up to the spot where we 'broke down', I still say he was faking it, and climb out of the car.It has been awhile since I last came here, since I first came here if you will.

Our ledge is still there, just waiting on me to get up to it. I am sure that I am a sight to behold, climbing a rock in combat boots and a skirt. Dave would have been proud.

I get to the ledge and rub my sore fingers. At least they aren't bleeding this time. The view is as breathtaking as it always was. I can see over the treetops, the cows heading in for the night, and the same car sitting in the same place beside the road.

I lean back, laying with my legs hanging off the edge. What would happen if I fell? If I jumped? I sit back up and look over the edge at the ground. That has to be a failure fall.

My heart begins to pound as I think about the last time I was sitting here. I was wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He kissed me in this exact spot.

Why did he have to go? Why not me? I can't handle the pain anymore. I have to do something. I have to get to him. I will do whatever it takes.

Tears roll down my cheeks for the second time today. I look out over the trees for the last time. I look over at the cows being herded into their little barn, probably for milking or something.

Is this what he felt like? Just before he gave up and stopped fighting, he looked around and saw the natural beauty in the world? I sure do hope so.

I scoot a bit closer to the edge, looking down at the ground for what seems like ages. Just before I push off, I hear screaming.

"Nicole, stop!" He screams, running from the woods to the bottom of the rock. It is that boy from class, his voice changed, it seems more familiar, but still very un-naturally deep.

"What do you want? How did you know I was here?" I ask through my tears. He tilts his head up and then he begins to climb. A few seconds later he is sitting beside me on the ledge.

"You climb like a monkey." I tell him with the smallest smile I could manage. I am still crying, but he doesn't seem phazed. "Why were you trying to jump?" He practically growls at me. I do my best not to seem a bit scared of his voice.

"I can't go without him anymore. I miss him too much." I whisper, barely audible. "I miss you too." He says, his voice no longer super deep. "Dave?" I say, looking at the boy sitting beside me.

I slowly reach over and pull the sunglasses off of his face. It is Dave. "Where the hell have you been?" I ask him, hugging him tightly and not wanting to let him go.

"It's not Dave." He says, his voice awfully soft to be Dave's. "What do you mean you aren't Dave?" I ask suspiciously. Is he on drugs? "I am Dave's twin brother, Luke." He says, holding out his hand and showing me his license.

It says Luke Pinnix.

"What the hell are you doing following me then?" I ask him angrily. He frowns and pushes his hood back off of his head. "Did you not check out your homework?" He asks, genuinely confused.

I shake my head, I completely forgot. "No, why?" I ask. He facepalms dramatically. "Dave told me a few weeks know...that he wanted me to protect you if anything happened to him." He says.

"I left you a note in the back of the notebook explaining it all." He adds. I look up at him, still confused. "If you are his twin, the how did you get into my class?" I ask him. He grins at me.

For some reason, my heart flutters. It hurts being this close to someone who looks so much like Dave.

"I paid your teacher, of course." He says matter-of-factly. I laugh at the face he makes. "Using money to buy your way in life. You will get far, Luke." I tell him and we laugh together.

He is the first guy I have talked to other than my teacher since Dave.

He is saying something and I just stop him by hugging him. "Can you be my Dave? Just tell me how beautiful I am and make me feel good about myself. Hug me sporatically and make me feel loved?" I ask him. I feel him tense up.

"Fishing for compliment, huh?" He says laughing. I can't help but giggle. I feel like I am sitting here with Dave again. "I can do that stuff for you, but you have to do something for me." He says. I look at him and raise my eyebrow. he laughs and smiles at me.

"I need you to stop trying to kill yourself." He says. I nod and hug him again. I can't help it, it feels so right.

"Alright, you need to go home. You have my niece to take care of." He says and winks at me. He leads the way down the wall, not slipping once. "Can you back away a little? Like maybe ten feet?" I ask him.

He looks at me suspiciously but he backs up. I turn and start down the rock. I make it about halfway down before I slip, nearly falling. At the last second I dig my fingers into the hole and hold on.

"Little help here, Luke." I yell down to him. My feet are helplessly kicking at the rock, trying to find a hole. "Let go, just drop." He says. Somewhere deep down, I know I can trust him.

Six years of cheerleading later, I fall and he catches me. "That was nothing short of embarrassing." I mumble and straighten out my skirt. "Don't worry, I didn't look." He says and puts his hand on my shoulder.

We walk back to my car, and I see his bike parked back at the woods. "Now that you know I am following you, you will see me everywhere." He says with a grin. I hand him his sunglasses, that I just realized I still had, and pull him into another hug.

"Thank you for saving me." I tell him and get in my car. He waves and walks back to his bike. I speed out of there and head home. There is alot to process.

When I get home, I grab Kaylyn amd go straight to my room, not saying a word to my mother. Kaylyn seems to be in a good mood, so I sit her on my bed with her Mickey Mouse toy. My school bag is still sitting on my bed, where my mom put it, so I open it and pull out the notebook.

On the very last page, is a handwritten letter, addressed to me, from Luke. I read the first sentence, and feel the blood rush from my face. My pulse quickens and I begin to sweat.

My heart is pounding against my ribs and I feel faint. The first sentence read;

Dave is not dead.

A/N; Woah. Holy crap. I was not expecting that. Oh wait, I wrote it:) My little lovelies, Dave is not dead!!!! If he isn't dead, then where is he? Is he okay? All will be revealed soon. How long should this book be? I was just planning on a few chapters like 10 or 15...but I don't want to leave Dave and Nicole and Kaylyn and Luke like that. I think I will just keep writing until there is nothing left to write lol. So what do you guys think about Nicole trying to commit suicide? I think she needs to stay away from high places. Alrighty, vote, comment, and read on little lovelies and I will see you soon.Bye!:)


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