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So I was having a pretty crappy day. I woke up and felt like my life wasn't worth getting up for, but i have to go to school so whatever.

First hour I was doing my work and all the kids I hate strated surrounding my table and I realized I was clausterphopic. So I went and sat by the computers and just played on my phone.

And second hour I have gym and we're playing short soccer (4 kids on a team). And so my team is just like "Uni you be in the goal" I was like "sure" even though i didn't want to. But I'm actually really good at being in the goal. And all my friends in gym were absent so when i went into the locker rooms I was sad and depressed again. Then when i came out, my guy friend told me my teammates which were all guys were talking in the locker room about how good I was at being in the goal. I flet so happy and couldn't believe it because most guys in my gym class are assholes.

Third hour in band my friends I loke to talk to were absent so i just kinda read my book and focused. I also got an A on my playing test which everyone messed up on :) hehe.

In fourth hour i just kinda sat there and watched people's presentations and crap.

At lunch I kinda felt ticked off at my friends so i kinda yelled at them.

In fifth hour my friend who sits by me doesnt stop touching my stuff or my arm. Like im not a lesbian or bi and she keeps putting her head on my shoulder and crap. Like please don't I'm fricken claustrophobic and sge isn't helping. I also almost feel asleep more then once because I get like 6 hours of sleep last night.

Sixth hour we watched a movie and I really didn't care so i just read my book, Leah on the offbeat. I could relate to it because she was upset with herself like I was earlier.

Now I'm just sitting outside and watching Blaze, my sister's dog, run around and crap. So yea.

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