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So I'm currently on spring break and during breaks people ignore me even if they aren't out of town. It makes me question if they even like being my friend because they ignore me out of school. Like they have my number and even social media platform so why are you ignoring me? I say hi and they nod and go do something else. It hurts a lot and if I think about it maybe 6/16 of my friends actually attempt to talk with me over break.

My dad tells me to go talk to my friends, but I feel like they just get annoyed with me talking with them so I stay silent. I only hang out with two of my friends most times and after they start to say "k" and "cool" I fade off because they clearly don't care.

I've tried crying myself to sleep but I've cried so much about other stupid crap that is unimportant I can't cry anymore. Maybe my world is crumbling or it's just a crazy thought that people hate me and they don't.

I act like a crazy person around people and they probably think I have a weird mental illness or that I'm high. I'm not though I don't have anything to do with those things. I never want to do drugs or even drink. I don't have any mental illnesses. Is there something wrong with my personality?

This one kid in my class has said some weird crap about me which I'm not sure why, but the other day I think he called me a lesbian. I'm not and I've only had crushes on boys so I'm not sure why he'd think that. I have CIDP, which is a disease to do with my nerves, and I wear braces on my legs to help. One day the boy commented on them, he said that I'd be a person to carry a weapon in them. WTF WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!? WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT!? I'D NEVER WANT TO HURT ANYONE EVER! thanks to him, now when I put on my braces I think about that.

why are people after me.

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