Fuck. Guess We're Stuck

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         Upon returning to 12 Grimmauld Place, Zack, Aerith, Sirius and Remus found themselves in a slightly uncomfortable silence as they were lead back to the kitchen by Molly. The four were not surprised to see Albus sitting there, a twinkle in his eyes as he greets them. Zack and Aerith just kind of nod in acknowledgement to the old wizard as they sit down together. Aerith grips Zack's hand tightly and both of them look to Albus, as he clearly had something he wanted to say to everyone.

        "Like I said last night, we must discuss the future that involves Mr. Fair and Miss Gainsborough. I think the best course of action would be to have the two attend Hogwarts so that they may tame their magic," Albus starts out.

        "But Albus! They're far too old to go to Hogwarts! How will you explain to everyone that two young adults will be joining them?" Molly says.

        "Well, they will just pretend that they are 18 dear Molly," Albus says with a smile, as if that was the most obvious thing to say.

        "Whoa there, hold the phone! What makes you think Aerith and I are going to your school? We may have come from this world originally, but this isn't our home!" Zack says, flabbergasted.

        "Also, it's very rude of you to plan OUR future without our input. Besides, we have friends and a home to get back to," Aerith says, fixing Albus an annoyed look.

        "Nonsense! You're back home! This is where you belong, I assure you," Albus says, blinking in surprise. 

        "No it's not. Gaia is our home. Now send us back old man," Zack says, growling slightly. Sure, this magic was cool and nifty but this wasn't home. Aerith's church in the slums with the flowerbeds was home. The smell of MAKO permeating the air was home. Knowing that the Lifestream was around them and the knowledge that one day they would return to the Lifestream was home. This place that they called Earth was devoid of all of those things. Zack's hand slips into his pocket and he pulls out the miniature buster sword but rests it on the table. "If this was its normal size, I'd be holding it to your throat."

        "Zack.. I don't think you'd need to go that far.." Aerith says, immediately hugging Zack's opposite arm, causing the raven haired male to look at the brunette. He sighs.

        "You're right flower girl. I let my emotions get the better of me again," Zack says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He blinks as he watches the miniature buster sword float up in the air suddenly, and hears a faint 'Engorgio'. The SOLDIER grabs the buster sword and rests it against the back of the chair. "So as I said earlier. You're going to send us back to Gaia."

        "I'm afraid I cannot do that my boy. As you see, the spell we used was to bring someone back to their land of their origin. But I promise you I will look into finding you two a way home if you two truly desire. But until then, I ask that you attend Hogwarts so that-" Albus says.

        "So you can keep an eye on us and keep us at arms length," Zack interrupts bluntly.

        "No no! Not at all Har- Zack. Simply to keep you safe and so that once a way is found, we can send you back as quickly as possible!" Albus says. Zack narrows his blue eyes at Albus, not trusting him in the slightest. Ever since the blood test, neither him nor Aerith thought the old coot was trustworthy, especially with the magic block that had been put on Zack. And what made things even more suspicious was the fact that Sirius, who is supposedly Zack's godfather, had been declared innocent of something. If Zack's parents were dead, it seemed like that he wouldn't have grown up with Sirius but with someone else as Sirius had been framed of something rather dastardly. 

        "Fine. Let's say we go with your plan and we attend Hogwarts. Aerith and I have some questions to ask. Firstly, why the hell was there a Minor Magic Block on me?" Zack says, pulling out his blood test. He noticed that Albus had paled a bit at the discovery of the magic block, which only made Albus even more suspicious to him. He watches as the wizard summoned the blood test to look over it.

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