Detention, Prophecies and Plans

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        For the rest of the day, Zack and Aerith made sure not to let their foul mood show and ruin their other classes. Their Head of House and Transfiguration professor, Minerva McGonagall, had noticed the slightly darkened mood around all of her lions but that it was centralized around Zack and Aerith. After class was over, Minerva had pulled them aside to ask what was troubling everyone. She scowled lightly when hearing that Umbridge had not just only gave them both detention but also took away house points for what the toad claimed was a lie.

"While I cannot take away the detention that Umbridge gave you, I can fix the point situation. I will award you each ten points for showing what it means to be a Gryffindor and for defending your honor since it was slandered," Minerva says. The two actually lighten up a bit.

"Thank you Professor," Aerith says, Zack nodding his thanks. Minerva smiled.

"Of course. Run along now. And please, tell me what Umbridge had you do for detention... I'm not sure what Headmaster Dumbledore was thinking in hiring that woman," Minerva says. Zack and Aerith nod and run off, both thinking about the new information gathered. Neither didn't like the sound of Dumbledore WILLINGLY hiring the toad to teach, if one could call it teaching, and knew that some shady shit was happening with the man. Knowing that they needed to figure out Albus's plan quickly, the two start to form their own plan, most of which at the moment consisted of learning spells. Eventually it came to their detention. Both were a bit nervous but refused to let that despicable woman sense their fear. Zack then pushes the door open and his eyes were immediately assaulted with an ugly shade of pink that made him want to never see the color pink. He steps in however, Aerith right behind him. Both stand in front of Umbridge's desk. The witch in pink sets her tea cup down and smiles at them.

"Right on time~ Now, if you two would take a seat in those desks so we may begin.." Dolores says, gesturing to the two desks. Aerith and Zack look behind them and spotted the desks. They walk over and sit down. Aerith reaches into her bag to pull out a quill.

"What will we have to do, Professor?" Aerith asks, her quill now in hand.

"You will write 'I mustn't tell any lies' and put your quills away, I have special quills for you both," the toad says. Aerith puts her quill back into her bag, a frown creasing her lips. Zack arches an eyebrow at their professor. Dolores just smiles that sickly sweet smile as she hands each of them a parchment and a rather dark quill, but no ink pots.

"Er, do we need to grab our ink pots?" Zack asks, inspecting the dark colored quill.

"Oh no, not at all," Dolores says, before going back to her desk and sitting in it. With a skeptical glance towards Dolores, Zack starts to write but as he starts to write 'I must', a sharp pain bursts out on the back of his hand. Zack immediately looks and his eyes widen at seeing 'I must' appear on the back of his hand, the cuts bleeding for a moment. However, they instantly sealed back up and it looked like nothing happened. He scowls at the pink lady.

"This is abuse! You can't abuse students!" Zack says, scowling at the pink monstrosity that sat before him.

"Abuse? I don't know what you're talking about Mr. Potter~" Dolores says innocently. Zack scowls more but continues to write his lines, knowing his hand will be fine. He was more worried about Aerith since she didn't have the MAKO healing factor like he did. Aerith whimpered a bit as she wrote, her hand healing as well but the words bright red as she wrote. Both continued to write their lines, Zack refusing to give into the pain as it was nothing to him and Aerith refusing to give in due to the blood loss. Neither wanted to give satisfaction to the bitch and went along with this torture as they were already on the radar. After what seemed like hours had passed, Dolores stood up and walked over to the two of them, Zack glaring heavily at her, his hand under his desk, not wanting to show off his healing factor to her.

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