MATERIA and Supplies

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        Zack and Aerith had decided to take a calming nap after the whole ordeal of that morning. The two napped until it was lunchtime, being awoken by an odd creature with pointy ears and bulbous eyes. They found out that this creature is called a House Elf and that his name was Kreacher. Sirius had told Kreacher to go wake the two and bring them lunch, figuring the two wanted some more alone time. After thanking Kreacher for bringing them lunch and the House Elf disappearing with a crack, the two dig into their meals and appreciate Molly's cooking skills. When they finished their meal, Aerith stacked the dirty dishes up and set them aside to bring them down later. Aerith walks back over to Zack and hugs him happily. Zack hugs back and presses a kiss to Aerith's head. Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in Zack's head.

"Wait... if I have my buster sword here, maybe I still have some of my MATERIA!" Zack says, excitedly, looking at Aerith.

"Oh yeah! The sword wasn't on you when we were brought here so maybe the MATERIA came with as well. With magic, I suppose almost anything is possible!" Aerith says. She lets her arms drop from being around Zack. Zack reaches into his pockets and searches around for the orbs. He finds them and pulls them out. He takes a moment to look at them all.

"Alright so I have curaga, thundaga, fira, blizzara and reflect! Those will be super helpful!" Zack says, holding out the five orbs out to Aerith.

"Indeed! However, I do think we should keep this quiet. I don't trust Dumbledore enough to let him know about our MATERIA," Aerith says. Zack nods in agreement.

"You're totally right about that. The less he knows, the better off we'll be," Zack says before shoving the orbs back into his pockets for the time being.

~ A Few Days Later ~

It was after breakfast when Remus and Sirius had approached Zack and Aerith. The two wizards had given the couple some necessary space and figured that since school was due to start in a week's time from that day, they should take the two to get their supplies. Three days prior, Zack and Aerith had been taken out by Tonks to get some more muggle clothes than the ones that they had arrived in. Once again, the buster sword was shrunk and put into Zack's pocket before the quartet were apparated to the alleyway near the Leaky Cauldron. This time Zack and Aerith didn't feel like they wanted to barf their breakfast but neither liked it. This time, there weren't that many people in the pub so Remus opted out of using a Notice-Me-Not charm to get them through. After all, the two would have to interact with the storekeepers to ge their supplies.

"Alright, first stop! Gringotts! Time to get money out of your vault Zack!" Sirius grins.

"Wait, I have a vault?" Zack asks, a little shocked.

"Well yes. Even if you are no longer Harry, you are still James's and Lily's son while also being Mr and Mrs Fair's son. So in result, you have a vault. The Potter fortune is not one to scoff at," Remus explains.

"As for you Aerith, since your parents from here are Muggles, I'll be paying for your supplies with the Black Fortune," Sirius says happily.

"Oh Mr. Black-" Aerith starts.

"Siriusly, just call me Sirius! Mr. Black makes me feel old," Sirius says, before getting whacked in the head by Remus for his shitty pun.

"But Sirius, I cannot let you pay for my supplies!" Aerith says.

"If I supposedly have such a fortune, why not let me pay for Aerith since she's my girlfriend?" Zack says.

"I mean you could buuuut I have some nasty cousins who I'd rather not get their filthy hands on the Black fortune should something happen to me that results in you not getting it. So the less that my cousins can get, the better I'll feel about it," Sirius explains.

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