The Marauders Are Back

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        As the weeks passed by, Zack and Aerith continued their classes and attempting to find anything that would get them back to Gaia. They had some help fortunately from Fred, George and even Luna. Zack and Aerith were catching up on all of the basic spells thanks to help from their three friends within Hogwarts. Of course, the only set of spells that they were lacking in were the spells that Dolores should have been teaching them. The evil pink toad still had them in their first year book. And speaking of Dolores, the couple were still getting detentions every week as they continued to refuse to give in. Zack had tried to convince his lovely flower girl to let him do all the defending since he would be fine during detention but Aerith simply refused to let Zack go through it on his own. Currently the two were in the library, on a Friday afternoon, attempting to do their Charms homework but Zack was distracted by the snow fall as it was the first of the season. The spiky raven-haired male then snapped his head to look at Aerith, a grin lighting up his face.

"Aerith! I just had an idea!" Zack says excitedly.

"Oh? What idea would that be?" Aerith asks curiously, a smile on her face.

"We should owl Remus and Sirius! Remus was a professor here once so he could help teach us!" Zack says.

"And because he and Sirius were part of the Marauders, they could get in without being noticed!" Aerith exclaims, catching on what Zack was saying. Zack beams before grabbing a fresh sheet of parchment before scratching out a letter to Remus and Sirius explaining what had been happening. Cleaning up their materials, the two then hurriedly and excitedly head to the Owlery to find Hedwig. To get there quicker, Zack scoops Aerith up and carries her bridal style and runs through the halls to get to the Owlery. Aerith let out a surprised squeal and held onto Zack before letting out a laugh. Startled first and second years press against walls or fall through the large arches where as the third years and up, used to the Weasley twins running through the halls like madmen, just simply moved enough to one side to make way. Not even the two Prefects they passed or even Professor McGonagall could stop their cheerful and happy run since it was one of the few pure moments of happiness that pierced the halls this year. Eventually, the happy couple makes it to the Owlery and Zack sets Aerith down since the stairs were rather narrow. After clambering up the stairs to reach the top of the Owlery, the search for the snowy owl started but was almost instantly finished as a flurry of white buffeted Zack's head affectionately.

"Hey girl! There you are!" Zack laughed as he held his arm out for Hedwig to perch on. Hedwig let out a pleased hoot as she settles on his arm. Both Zack and Aerith give her a stroke on the head.

"We got a letter for you Hedwig," Aerith says, pulling the rolled up scroll out of Zack's bag for him. Hedwig sticks her leg out so that Aerith could tie it on.

"Bring it to Remus and Sirius, alright?" Zack says. Hedwig hoots before taking off with the letter. Zack and Aerith stay until the can no longer see Hedwig's form flying away. With an arm wrapped around his girlfriend's waist, Zack walks down the steps of the Owlery with Aerith, heading back towards their personal room to finish up their homework and possibly learn some new spells.

~ 12 Grimmauld Place, Time Unknown ~

Hedwig arrived at 12 Grimmauld Place and hooted at a window before pecking it a few times to get someone's attention. Fortunately for the snowy owl, Remus was near the window. The werewolf walks over and opens the window for her and Hedwig flies in before landing on the top of a chair back. Remus gets a few owl treats for Hedwig and gives her them before untying the scroll from her leg and unrolling it. He didn't notice the small slip of paper that floated to the ground.

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