9/11 Conspiracy (Part 1)

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The Twin Tower Collapse

The Twin Tower Collapse

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The 9/11 attacks were allegedly a series of 4 coordinated terrorist attacks on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001

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The 9/11 attacks were allegedly a series of 4 coordinated terrorist attacks on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. 2 planes targeted the WTC, another aimed at the Pentagon, while the final plane attacked the Whitehouse.

September 11, 2017, marks the anniversary for these atrocious events that took place exactly 16 years ago. The world witnessed the Twin Towers impacted by aircraft, and within hours, the collapse of both buildings, as well as 2,606 people inside and 265 passengers on the planes who perished. Many of them were never identified.

Additional individuals died of 9/11 related cancer as well as respiratory diseases in the months and years following the attacks.

If you visit Osama Bin Laden's webpage on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist List, you'll find that he's been indicted for the 1998 attacks, but not for 9/11

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If you visit Osama Bin Laden's webpage on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist List, you'll find that he's been indicted for the 1998 attacks, but not for 9/11. When questioned why they have failed to make that connection, the FBI stated, "I'm afraid we just don't have the evidence."

While there are many conspiracies, one long standing view is that the Towers would not have collapsed in the way that they did if the actual cause of the collapse was, in fact, aircraft jet fuel. One of the most popular claims is that there must have been a controlled detonation at ground level in order for the Towers to have fallen on themselves as they did.

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