Chapter 1- Two Sides Of Christmas

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~Christmas 2013~

*Hayes' POV*

"HAAAAAAAAAAAYES!!!! SANTA GAVE US PRESENTS!!!!!!" Skylynn screamed from outside of my room.

"Sky, hate to break it to you, but Santa doesn't exist."

"Yea-huh. Get your booty downstairs so you can see what Santa didn't get you for being a meanie." She stuck out her tongue and ran downstairs.

"You little-" I jumped out of bed and chased her to the living room. "SKYLYYYYYYYYNN!!!!" I yelled when I got downstairs. Nash was standing in front of me; his phone flashed. *click*

"That's going on Instagram. 'My lil bro's priceless face after my 5 year old sister said he wasn't getting any presents. #insulted' *snort* HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Shut up Hamilton." I said. He hated when I called him that.

"You wanna go, Benjamin?" Oh that was it. I pounced on top of Nash and made him fall on his butt.

"You are cray cray," Skylynn said in the sassiest voice she could.

Another flash. *click*

"Now that's a pic for Instagram." Will said from above us. " 'My little brothers bonding on Christmas. Hayes needs to take up wrestling. Lol. #wwe #dontmesswithbenjamingrier'. You guys are idiots."

"WILL!!!!" Nash and I both screamed.

"I'm outta here." Skylynn said, flashed a peace sign, and went to open her presents. Me and Nash gave each other a look and jumped on Will. That's when Dad came in.

"Oh no you don't," he said and picked up Skylynn before she could open her gifts. "And you three. Stop before we give Santa back your presents."

"Told you he was real." Skylynn gave me the 'in your face' look. I rolled my eyes. We all sat around the Christmas tree. I opened a present first.

"AN IPHONE 5C!!!!! I'VE BEEN WANTING THIS FOREVER!!!! YEEEEEEEESSS!!!!!" I turned it on and started taking a bunch of horrible selfies.

"A Despicable Me phone case and some clothes.... Ok then." Nash said after he opened his presents.

Everyone opened their presents (I got the best one haha) and we went to go eat our Christmas breakfast, but Skylynn just had to do a double check for presents.

"Hey, I found something!" She screamed. "It's a little box. Wonder what's in there.... It's got my name on it!" We all went back to the living room to see Skylynn open her present.

"It's a necklace," Nash said.

"A ruby heart necklace," I said. Skylynn inspected it.

"It's got a MS on the back. What's that mean?"

"Beats me," Dad said.

"It's someone else's. I don't want anyone to say I stole it." Skylynn gave me the necklace and went to go eat her breakfast.






-A/N: Most of this is just basic info, don't expect it to be exciting haha






*Summer's POV*

'Another Christmas. Alone. No family, no feasts, no presents. I had hoped this year would be different.'

I took off my belt and looked at it. Yep, it was still there. 'John Grier' written in gold. This belt always gave me determination.

'I have got to find this John Grier guy.'

I went over to the group, who was unsuccessfully trying to make a fire for warmth. I grabbed the two sticks they were rubbing together, hit them like drumsticks, and they lit up.

"Merry Christmas, Summer."

"Thanks Sam, Merry Christmas to you too."

I didn't say no friends. When you don't have anywhere to live, you have a bond with other people like you because we only have each other. And when it comes to bonding with people like me, I guess you could say I was pretty popular among the medium sized pack of homeless people I was in. I looked at the flashing sign from a nearby bank-it's 11:11.

"I wish this Christmas was different." I whispered.

Now if you're reading this and you feel sorry for me because I'm a sad homeless girl roaming the streets on Christmas, don't, because I got myself into this mess. Well, partially.

A police car drove by and I ran into a McDonald's to hide. I kinda have a bad history with them even though most of the things that happened were by accident. Okay, not most, maybe a few.

"Sweetie," I turned around to see an elderly lady talking to me. "Where's your coat? It's snowing outside, aren't you cold?" I get these questions a lot; apparently wearing t-shirts in winter seems unhealthy to about 90% of the population of the world. The other 10% are made up of Californians, Australians, people from anywhere else that doesn't get cold, and me.

"Oh, no ma'am I'm perfectly warm, but thank you for caring enough about my health to ask. I really appreciate it."

"Ohhhhh," she said and pulled me into a grandma-like hug. "What's your name?"


"Well no wonder you're not cold," she laughed hard at her joke and I giggled too. "I'm Dot, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

"You looked scared when you got in here, you ok?"

"Ummm well it's a long story, and it's a bit personal."

"That's fine you don't have to tell me. Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine thank you."

"Well I hope I can see you again Summer."

"You too Dot."

These are the kind of people I like. The ones that don't know/don't care that you're out on the streets, they'll treat you like their family. After talking to Dot, I decided to go to my special place in the woods and take a nap.





A/N: so what'd you think and what do you think will happen? Comment and vote! And follow my fanpages ya know, if you feel like it and tell me Wattpad sent you!

Instagram: @freedomoffandoms

Twitter: @freedomofandoms

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