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I sit in my flat, logging into my work emails. Seeing they've identified the man; Jacob Marsh. I look into his history, trying to find things from his past. His track record, where he was from, his date of birth..his address?

I hear a knock at the door to which I turn, getting up. I walk to the door cautiously as I open it slightly, peeking round as I see Harper. Leaving the door open, going back to my laptop.

"Where's Alfie?"

I question, hearing the door close.

"My dear mother is looking after him for the night"

She laughs as she smirks

"Why's that?"

I look at her then back to the laptop as I hear her coming closer.

"So we could hang You found that guy then?"

I look up at her, logging out of my work emails, putting the screen down.

"Yeah.. But I can look further into it on Monday"

"You mean we?"

She sits next to me as I smirk.

"You need to stop doing shit by yourself Frankz, I'm your partner for a reason, if you have a problem or need to do something then talk to me."
"But for now.. We can hang out? Talk about things?"

I sit back looking at her as she sits back also looking towards me.

"Talk about what?"

I rest my arm over the sofa, leaning it up as I rest my head on my hand.


She moves in closer, stroking my arm as I smirk. Leaning further in, resting her head on my arm as she looks sightly up.

"I want Alfie to get to know you..I want to get to know you..I want us both too, maybe even go out all together somewhere.."

I rest my arm down, stroking her head then her ear.

"I mean.. Maybe that's not the greatest idea, all going out together or something.. What if someone from work sees us or I don't know.."

"If they did, they wouldn't fire us.. Just not let us work together"

"Yeah I know but..I like working with you"

"More than spending time with me?"

"No, you know i like spending time with you out of work more but. It'll be weird working with someone else..I mean when I first met you as my partner I was shocked at first but you made it easy.. If you were a guy I think it would of hurt more"

"Whys that?"

"Because my partner died an well.. We were close, really close.. It was like everyone forgot about him after a few days an now no one really mentions him"

She moves my arm around her, holding my hand as she looks at me.

"I didn't even get told about him when I moved here for the job, they just said I had a place if I wanted to and I agreed.. Do you want to talk about him?"

I get up, feeling slightly uncomfortable; moving away as I get myself some water.

"You seem to get uncomfortable when I mention him?"

I ignore, pouring my glass. Turning the tap off, moving to face her as I sip. Watching her getting up as she walks over, standing in front of the counter opposite me.

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