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I file my work, putting the paper into folders, placing it on my desk as I reach to get a empty box. Hearing the door open as I turn, bringing it down. Positioning it on my chair.

"Kennedy do you have a moment?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

He walks in holding a file as he sits on the edge of the table. I fold my arms looking at the file.

"What's that?"

He sighs, passing it me as I look at him then opening the file. Seeing my partners file.

"I understand that this will be hard which is why if you need time off-"

"No.. No, he would want me to carry on"

"I know it's soon but..his things need cleaning up"

He looks at the otherside of my room as I look also, seeing my partners desk, still with his things in place as I nod.

"I'll be right on it Chief"

He smiles gently, resting his hand on my shoulder as he walks out. I put the files into the box. My eyes drifting to his desk as I sigh. I walk over, grabbing a box with me. I walk around the desk, sitting into his chair as I lean back. I rest my arm on the armchair, resting my head in my hand as I look up. I get up stacking his belongings from his desk, organising them into the box.

I hear a knock as I turn to the door. Seeing a woman standing their with a box.

"Come in?"

I stand up, tucking my shirt back in as I straighten my suit jacket.

"Hi im Harper, Harper Walker I've recently just joined. I hear that we are going to be partners?"

She holds her hand out to shake as I look at her confused.

"Im Frankie Kennedy...Partners?"

I hold my hand slowly out as we shake slowly.

"Yeah did no one tell you?"


"Well.. This is a little awkward.."

We laugh as I take this box with my partners stuff, putting it on my desk.

"I was just.. Cleaning my desk up, chief told me too and well now I know why"

I smile slightly as she rests her box on the desk. I walk away from the desk, back to mine. Putting the box of files on to my desk.

"Hey there's a photo of you and your old partner"

I turn back slowly seeing her get up as she holds out a photo to which I take. Looking down at it. Seeing us stand there, me laughing as hes pulling a weird expression. I smile slightly, walking back to my desk.

"He seems cool"

I hear her say as I put the photo into my desk.

"Yeah.. He was"

"He seemed to make you happy"

"He had a weird sense of humour"

"Some sense of humour is better than none right?"

I look at her as she unpacks.

"That's true"

My eyes catch the chief opening my door as he sees agent Walker.

"Oh your early.. You two have met. Great! Ah have you sorted through the files agent Kennedy?"

"Yeah here"

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