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                         Your Pov
The paladins had finally managed to calm me down and I couldn't believe how much you overreacted. Every paladin seemed so kind,except Allura. I knew why she was; I'm Galra, she's Altean. I didn't really know any of the paladins names yet, till a strange boy with dark brown hair and tan skin walked up with a really weird smirk on his face. He spoke in a flirtatious manner and said" Hi, I'm Lance, but you can call me..." He tried to continue his sentence till the man with the large scar butted in and said" That's enough Lance" but with a really stern tone which scared me. A small girl with dirty blonde hair and pail skin with glasses said" I'm Pidge, the big one over there is Hunk, and of course you met Lance."

      I managed to smile about the way she talked about Lance, he really is flirtatious,isn't he? Well, if he is I'll have to get used to it because I can't go anywhere yet. So I managed to say with a bit of stuttering" I-I'm (y-y/n), and I'm guessing you know what I am" I said with a little bit of shame. Allura rolled her eyes and snarled" You're a Galra, a monster, your kind killed off my entire race." Then I immediately felt ashamed l. I looked down and bit my lip so I wouldn't cry.
                       Shiro's Pov
     I could see the tears forming in (y/n)'s eyes. She then bit her lip and actually made it bleed, so I spoke up and said" Where is (y/n) going to sleep?" I could see Coran mouth thank you. I nodded and said" We don't have any empty rooms, but if you would like to, you can sleep in my room." I kinda mumbled the last bit, but she could hear me. She smiled a little and said" If I get somewhere nice to sleep, I'll take anything!" I smiled.

All in a days work(Shiro X reader)Where stories live. Discover now