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tell me about yourelf

Agnes could not, for the life of her, figure out why Sodapop was mad at her. At first, she thought she thought he was just a little upset in general, then she thought he was sad about something and she should give him some space. In giving him that space, she befriended the other bartender, Ricky Fontaine. He told her to get over it and ask the guy but she didn't feel like she should do that.

Agnes and Ricky only talked at work so during the day, she consistently had very little to do. It got pretty boring and she thought about leaving again before realizing she only had twenty bucks to her name, not nearly enough to get her somewhere else.

It had been a week and a half and Agnes decided to use her car as an excuse to talk to the boy she'd grown a little too fond of.

"Gas?" Steve asks, leaning into the window of her car.

"Yes, please."

"Curtis!" Steve called, taking Agnes's cash to ring her up for the gas and making his way into the store. They had, what seemed to Agnes like, a telepathic conversation before Soda asked how much Agnes needed.

She got out of her car and watched as Sodapop silently filled her car up with gas. "Why are you so quiet with me, Sodapop?"

He didn't look up but she heard him mutter out, "Tell me something about you."

She shrugged, "I love dogs but I'm deathly allergic to them."

"What about your parents or something?"

"Well, you know they divorced and my dad basically lives on a farm."

"Where are they from? Where are you from?"

"Well, I told you, New York."

Sodapop sighed and put the nozzle back in its place. "You ain't from New York. You've got that southern belle type accent." Agnes couldn't believe she forgot that people from New York sound significantly different from those in Alabama.

She bit her lip, "I guess I wanna be from New York."

"But you're really from...?"

"Alabama. The worst state to live in before Mississippi." She chuckled, "I can say that 'cause I'm from there. And everyone else can say that, too, 'cause it's true."

"Why didn't you tell me that?"

Agnes shrugged, crossing her arms and finding a sudden interest in her shoes as her feet tapped involuntarily. "I hate it. I guess I felt like everybody hated it so I didn't wanna have that on my back."

"Why'd you leave?"

"Okay, that's something I really can't say. Not now. It's not because of you, it's just I don't wanna think about it." She shivered and it wasn't cold. She bit her lip as she could no longer not think about it. Sodapop understood and could tell by her expression that it's definitely something for another time.

"What if you let me take you out. Like on a date." Agnes looked at him surprised and smiled. "We can keep talking."

"Right now?"

"How about in an hour, since that's when my shift's up."

"Okay, I can wait here for you."

Their date was simple, they just went to the diner. They shared a milkshake and got burgers which Soda happily paid for. They talked enough and by the end of the night, Agnes knew enough about Soda to the point where she could spout off random trivia about him for days. He still felt that she was holding back but he was learning a lot about her personality.

They took her car but Soda drove them and it was mainly because Agnes wouldn't let it sit somewhere for some hoods to steal or vandalize or whatever they would do to it. She decided she wouldn't be going to work. It wasn't like Buck would care. After spending a little time with Soda, he was all she wanted to be around.

After the date, they made their way back to the hill where they spent their first time alone together.

okay, i've got the next few chapters planned out, i've already written the next two they've been sitting and waiting to be published for like months.
next chapter is short like less than 200 words, short
this book is almost over and i'm a little emotional bc it'll be the first time i've actually finish a book in literally years.
niya ❤

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