Chapter 1

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‘Payal where are you the exhibition is about to start, if you’re not here in the next ten minutes Payal I swear I’ll make you wash up for the rest of your life' Khushi hang up the phone leaving Payal her third voice message.

It was Khushi’s first art exhibition, she could hardly believe her work had been chosen to be displayed. Khushi was becoming a nervous wreck, she was waiting for Payal to come who was running late. It was coming up to 6.40 and the exhibition was starting at 7.

‘Where are you?’ she said to herself
‘Khushi, Khushi’ a voice came from behind, Khushi turned around to see Payal running towards her totally out of breath. Khushi’s eyes lit up at seeing her, finally she made it. ' I’m so sorry I got caught up in traffic’ she said trying to catch her breath.

‘It’s ok, you made it’ Khushi said tightly hugging her. ‘Come on lets go inside’
As Khushi and Payal walked towards the main hall one of the event organisers came up to them.
‘Miss Khushi, we have our main sponsor attending tonight, Mr ASR’
‘Mr who?’ Khushi looked puzzled as she had never heard of him. As the organizer was about to explain who he was Khushi was distracted by another artist. ‘Khushi can you please help me finish the last canvas I need to make markings on the edges, I don’t have much time’ ‘Of course, I will’ Khushi turned to Payal who was in conversation with the organizer ‘Payal you go ahead I just need to help my friend out, I’ll be in as soon as I can’

‘You go to the hall I’ll put these pots away and meet you there’ Khushi said to her friend. Khushi turned in a rush and ran towards the prep room, in a matter of minutes Khushi went crashing into someone, she looked on in shock as her paint pots went flying up and the paint splashing.

‘What the f..’ she immediately looked up to see a man looking down at her in such anger, his eyes were raging, his jaw clenched. ‘I’ m so s..’ ‘Are you blind, what the hell you have done to my suit’ he screamed at her making her jump.
She lowered her gaze to see red paint splashed all over his jacket. Khushi looked back up in embarrassment, she quickly took off her scarf she had wrapped around her neck to wipe of the paint but before she could do anything he raised his hand in her face

‘Don’t you dare touch me, get out of my way’ Khushi’s heart jumped a beat she lowered her shaking hand and stepped aside. She had never had anyone look towards her in such anger. As he walked off he snatched the scarf out of her hand leaving Khushi dumb struck.
It took her a few moments to recollect herself, she quickly picked up the mess she had made and rushed back to the main hall.

‘Mr Raizada what happened?’ the organizer said looking down at his jacket as he came to greet him. ‘Nothing, some foolish girl bumped into me, I don’t have much time so lets get this started’ ‘Yes of course, please sir this way’ the organizer gestured towards the hall entrance. Arnav didn’t care much for art, he only sponsored the exhibition because Anjali loved art and wanted AR Designs to endorse the show of new talent. Walking around with the organizer Arnav looked at the various paintings and displays paying little attention to what he was saying.

All of a sudden Arnav stopped, 'It’s a great piece of work, don’t you think?’ the organizer asked. Arnav didn’t respond but continued to look at the painting almost in admiration. ‘Yes, its unusual catches your eye immediately. 'Who is the artist?’ he said turning towards the organizer. ‘Oh, she is one of our new found talents, Miss Khushi, I’ll introduce you to her, I am sure she will be happy to meet with you’.
Khushi was standing with Payal telling her what just happened ‘Stop stressing Khushi, it was an accident…’

'Miss Khushi' the organizer called out for her, Khushi turned around and froze. As her eyes widened with fear Arnav’s tightened with anger. 'This is Mr Arnav Singh Raizada, ASR the sponsor I was telling you about’ Khushi mouth started to open if she felt stupid earlier then there was no way of describing what she felt now. ‘Mr Raizada was admiring one of your paintings’ he said with a big smile.
In all this time Arnav had not taken his eyes off of Khushi. ‘Isn’t that right Mr Raizada?’

‘Wrong’ Arnav said in a cold voice, Khushi met his gaze, her heart started to pound even more. ‘Wrong? I don’t understand Mr Raizada’ Arnav turned to the organizer and said ‘You are wrong I was not admiring it, what is there to admire? A five year old could paint better than that’ he turned to look at Khushi ‘And you, you call yourself an artist’ As soon as he said that he walked of leaving Khushi filling up with rage.
‘Who the hell does he think he is, how dare he…I’m going to give him a piece of mind’ Payal raised her hand and gently pushed Khushi to stop her, she knew Khushi was reaching boiling point. ‘Khushi don’t, let him be don’t lose focus you need to concentrate on your work, you know people from the Art Academy are here you need to make sure you present your work properly’ Khushi took a deep sigh, she knew Payal was right she needed to ensure that her work was presented and accepted if she had any hope of receiving a scholarship. She couldn't let that monster of a man affect her not at this moment in time.

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