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Ok so just a reminder that underline means that I'm talking to you, italicized means that whoever's POV it is, and regular writing is when someone is talking. ENJOY T W O


It was near then end of the day when I was looking for Hayden because I wanted to get this project over with. I turned to the right hallway when I heard moaning coming from the janitors closet. Disgusting. But I knew Hayden was in there with one of his MANY sluts. I honestly can't wait anymore so I knock on the door. Bad mistake. Katie opened the door slightly but enough for me to see Hayden in the back shirtless. Katie, on the other hand was practically naked. And it was a sight I DID NOT want to see.
Ka: what do you want hoe
A: oh sure I'M the hoe
H:what do you want Annie
A:yours or mine
Ka:I'm out. Bye Hayden *says in a flirty voice*
H:bye babe
A:*rolls eyes*
H:what you jealous?
A:no, it's just disgusting how you do this is school.
H:whatever your jealous
A:*rolls eyes again*
H: you know you're gonna get your eyes stuck back there
A:good. Then I won't have to see your ugly face.
H:hey my face is not ugly!
A:yeah tell yourself that. Anyways my house or your house?
H: depends... are your parents home?
A:your gross
H:fine, my house.
A: ok
A: mom I'm going to Hayden's!
Am:ok be back by 6!
I crawled through my window and knocked on Hayden's. He opened it and let me in this room.
A: how do you live with clothes basically being your floor?
H:it doesn't really bother me, I just need my bed perfect *winks*
A:*rolls eyes* come on I want to finish this as fast as I can
H:why it's not like you have anywhere to be. Unless you actually have a life.
Wow. That hurt me. Usually I ignore his annoying comments about me but this hurt me. I showed no emotions and instead just tried to not talk to him.
A: you know what I'll just do it and put your name on it. Your brain probably won't be able to process it anyway.
H:excuse me?! It's human reproduction LeBlanc, I think I would know more about it than you.
I avoided eye-contact at all costs and began to climb back into my house.
H:ok ok, I'm sorry can you please just come back so we can finish this?
A:finally we're done!
H:yeah and it only took us like 3 hours
A: I should probably be getting back now see ya
H:wait! Annie.. um do you want to u-um go to t-the um fro-yo?
A:go to the fro-yo?
I honestly don't know why I was stuttering. I mean it was just Annie. Just Annie. Calm down Hayden.
H:oh yeah um do you want to?
A:why would I want to go with you playerall?
H:because I'll pay...?
A:free food! I'm in!
We got to the fro-yo place and I decided to ask Annie more about herself because although we were neighbors, we were strangers.
A:well I have a brother and sister, I love gymnastics an-
H:what about singing?
A:shut up Summerall
H:Summerall?! I'm making progress!
A:whatever playerall. Anyways that's basically my life. Like you said, I don't have a life.
H:look Annie I'm sorry, it just came out
A:I bet it did
H:fine be mad at me I don't care
He looks so cute when he's mad. His nose gets all furrowed up and his eyes are sharp. WAIT NO HE ISN'T! He went outside and just left me there. Wtf. I followed him and he pulled out a cigarette.
H:want one?
A:eww no how could you do that to your body?
H:it helps me forget of the stresses of life
A: you? Stress?
I say while me and Hayden both sit on the edge of the street.
H:yeah Annie. Believe it or not I'm not all who you think I am. I have problems too in life.
A:like what?
H: have you ever been abused? Hurt? By your own dad? No because you have your perfect little life!
At this point he was yelling. It was scary but I needed to know.
A: Hayden I'm sorry but.. how? When? Why?
H:when my mom died everything went down hill. My brothers moved to a different state, my grades dropped, but it all hit me when my dad first came home drunk. His face was red with anger and he looked like he was looking for something to take it out on. Or someone. I made a mistake asking him what's for dinner and that's when he hit me. He's been doing it ever since. It changed me. It changed me to think that someone that loved me could hurt me. But I guess I have no excuse for taking it all out on y-
I hugged him the tightest I could and I didn't want to stop. Surprisingly he hugged back and cried in my shoulder. Hayden Playerall, the bad boy. Crying? I guess he is not what he seems.
A:I'm sorry for judging you I just guess no one could be going through the same thing I am..
H:wait what?
I pulled up my sleeves revealing a lot of bruises and cuts. He examined them and looked at me with worry.
H:who did this?
A:Hayden it's fin-
His voice got loud, and when it loud it's scary.
A:I-it's Brennan, my b-boyfriend

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