Chapter One

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Word Count: 1783

I held the gun in one hand, the cool steel tickling my hands. A deep breath was taken before I jumped out from behind the wall and aimed the lethal weapon at my target. Bang, the gun sounded and my body shuddered with the impact of the force.

In a quick second, lights flashed through the room and clapping echoed through the concrete room. Rena Rouge, my best friend, bounded in and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Her muffled altered voice said, "You did it! A new high score!" The voice scrambler makes our voices more robotic and gives it a deeper or higher pitch so that if we met the person as our civilian self we wouldn't recognize their voice. Rena's voice was a higher pitch today and I had to refrain myself from wincing. She beamed as she stared at all the targets I had shot in the limited time. "We're definitely getting the next big job, Ladybug."

Her orange hood shielded her identity from any prying eyes, and her black and orange outfit did wonders to accentuate her curves. The mostly orange outfit made her stand out, and it accentuated her curves with the black fabric, and her hood was one with floppy fox ears that made her look adorable.

My own hood, one of a red colour with black spots scattered on it, covered my own identity from her. My outfit didn't have any animal ears, instead, I had a flap of fabric strapped to my back that when used properly, made a set of wings that I could use to glide through the sky with, much cooler if you asked me. I used my gloved hand to pull it further down my face. "Thanks, Rena, but we've got to go see The Guardian now, he's handing out the assignments any minute now," I informed her with a laugh, my own voice scrambler doing its job by making my voice unidentifiable. The Guardian was our keeper if you will, he was the one that kept all the spies that worked for Miraculous Inc in line.

Through the mask she wore. that covered most of her face, I could see her roll her eyes. "We've gotta go see the idiots." She meant Chat Noir and Carapace. Those two have been our rivals for as long as I can remember.

Since Miraculous Inc trained all of its spies since childhood, we've all been a tight-knit group while also somehow keeping an anonymity going. Anyways, like any kids, it was girls vs boys in most of our training exercises, always Ladybug, Rena Rouge, and Queen Bee vs Chat Noir and Carapace.

Queen Bee, the last of the girl spies in our group, was currently on a mission and wouldn't be back for a while, which was sad because it felt like our trio was missing something.

I had no problems with anyone in our group, in fact, we were all so close as if we were best friends, but lately, I couldn't stand to be around Chat Noir. Which had no reason to do with his personality-he was quite fun to hang around- it had everything to do though with the Friday a month ago. We were on a mission together, one where we played people much older than our current age of eighteen; it was a masquerade that we attended, each of us in our respective colours of dresses and ties.

Let's just say that Chat Noir (who I will admit looks delicious in a suit) and I had a... moment... It hasn't been the same between us since!

Rena Rouge and I walked, our footsteps in sync, and soon we arrived in the meeting room where The Guardian was waiting for us. Everyone was there, even Queen Bee, which gave Rena and I a reason to tackle her in a hug. "You're back so early!" I exclaimed as I ignored the feel of prying eyes from a certain cat on my back.

"The Guardian called me in to help out with the mission, someone else from Team C is filling in for me." Bee informed us, her yellow and black outfit making her own golden hair shine. The mostly yellow hoodie had black striped horizontally on it and her leggings were black and had one vertical stripe on the side in a golden honeycomb pattern. Her voice scrambler made her voice very high pitched and faster, like an insect I guess, so her words and her mouth didn't always match up.

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