Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chat froze and knocked Hawkmoth down onto his hands and knees before delivering a kick to the man's side, "You're lying, now tell me what needs to be said so I can end this all." I winced as I watched Chat's eyes darken and he turned off his emotions.

I've gotten to know my Adrien, the sweet one who gives shoulder kisses, and plays the piano, and flirts like there's no tomorrow- but right now he wasn't there. The person I was staring at was the assassin Chat Noir. I was staring at the emotionless agent who knew how to get the job done, that knew if he failed he wouldn't see the light of tomorrow.

"But I don't lie, Adrien- the agency took you from your mother and me when you were young! That's why I'm doing this! I'm doing this for you and Emilie!" Tears were welling in Hawkmoth's eyes and he was on the verge of hysterics. I was pretty decent at reading people, in a job like this you have to know when someone is hiding something. And I usually don't look for these sorts of things, people are very complicated beings, every single human is an enigma and it takes energy to pick up on their ticks and their giveaways.

I have to pay close attention to pick up if someone is lying, I have to time their breathing patterns, watch their eyes for flinches, or even their fingers for an anxious tap- and as I watched Hawkmoth cry his soul out to Chat, I saw none of these.

He must really be Adrien's dad.

"Chat," I called for him and let out a small sigh, "I see nothing to show he isn't truthful." If Hawkmoth was truly Adrien's father- he deserved to know. I would give almost anything to hug my family again, but I don't have that option, and I might not ever in my life. But he does. Adrien does.

"Please, son, we're family." Hawkmoth stood up and reached for Adrien, his arms wide. A gasp came from behind me and I saw Rena Rouge and Carapace, both holding a tied up Queen Bee, watching the situation with wide eyes.

Adrien stood frozen, his baton-turned-dagger still glowing green in his hand. He flipped it between his fingers and stared at his father with disbelieving eyes.

 He flipped it between his fingers and stared at his father with disbelieving eyes

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"We're family..." Hawkmoth took his mask off to reveal his face and I let out a faint gasp, he was the famed fashion designed Gabriel Agreste? I had always wanted to do something with fashion, and so even though I wasn't really allowed to stay up to date with trends, I had always kept tabs on fashion designers, it was a hobby I held, and it made me feel more human. A hobby that wasn't all about death had helped keep me grounded.

"Please, come with me, son. We can rule together, take down the industry- I can even introduce you to your mother, if only she was conscious... She would be so proud of the young man you've become.

"Together we can take over Miraculous Inc- we can take over WAIT- we can even take over the world. Doesn't that sound fun? Just you and me, making up for all the lost time." Gabriel was starting to sound insane, and his mumblings were concerning me. "Miraculous is corrupt, they're using you just as they used me. Not all of the targets you take out are threats- it's all just a game of chess and we're the pawns, playing to the whim of the King.

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