Chapter Sixteen

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It's a weird thing to try and become friends with someone when that's not really your true intentions. Not going to lie, it always leaves me feeling sick to my stomach to use someone and probe their feelings to get what I want. Even though it's for a mission, I know that I probably will have trouble sleeping tonight due to my actions.

I spent the entire day basically buttering Chloe up with compliments, and she ate them up like nobody's business. Alya and Nino seemed confused on why I was making such an effort with Chloe, who's only friend was a quiet girl named Sabrina, who she basically used as a slave.

Chloe didn't take much to accept my efforts and was soon sitting behind me in class, she copied my notes and a few of my answers on a pop quiz we had. Even though it irked me, because I hate people who copy things and get all the rewards with no real work, I let it happen for the sake of the mission.

Adrien seemed to be enjoying my pain as I spent the day listening to Chloe's rants about anything and everything (which usually was hate on other students in the class), well he did until she started to flirt relentlessly with him. Chat Noir may be many things, such as a flirt, but it seemed that as Adrien he was shy to anyone but me.

I couldn't say that I didn't enjoy watching him squirm uncomfortably while he eyed me, mentally asking for help. It was nice to watch him get a taste of his own flirty nature.

Gosh, he's so awkward.

Alya basically jumped on me about what she had walked in at lunch. "I had no idea that you and Mr Prince Charming over there were together?"

Shrugging, I gave her nothing, "It's a complicated relationship."

She didn't seem too happy with that answer and just as she was about to ask for me to divulge more information, the bell rang and I sprang to my feet.

Chloe caught my eye as she wrapped her hand around her necklace with a grimace on her face. I peered around inconspicuously as I could and noticed other classmates also doing the same thing.

Adrien sidled up next to me once Alya left the room with Nino (she left with a 'we're going to talk about this later' look), and Chloe and a couple other students hurried off. "Either I'm a shit investigator or we just say Hawkmoth and his signal in action."

I whispered back as I picked up my backpack, "Seems you're right. And I have a feeling we both know where they're heading..."

He looked around the now empty classroom and walked closer. With a smirk he slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer so he could mumble into my ear, "We do indeed." He spun my waist and caught my hand, "How about we do some snooping and channel our inner Chloe by going and painting our faces?"

Smiling in agreement we walked slowly and quietly towards the wall we had found earlier. He was right, we did need some disguises, but what? And how the hell will we get into the lair anyways?


Another short but sweet update. Gosh, I love writing fluff!!!

An update on my shitty life though,
I told my crush I liked her and she was all like 'noo thanks that's gay' bcs it was, in fact, very gay. She might have been my friend before but like probs not anymore and im scared and i have class with her monday kill me pls


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