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Four years later

Adrien and I stood beside one another decked out in formal suits, an aura of confidence surrounded us as we looked over everyone in the building. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Adrien asked me as he tightened his tie, looking so handsome it should be illegal.

Quickly I re-did his now lopsided tie and gave him a devilish smile. "I'm sure, if anyone is going to bring peace to everyone, it has to be us." I smoothed my hair back in its elegant bun and flattened my tie. Everyone kept trying to get me to wear a skirt, and the officer in charge of me went as far as to lay out an outfit out for me, but being the rebel that I was, I took one of Adrien's suits and used my sewing skills to fit it to myself in an hour. Needless to say, I looked smoking in his suit, if he wasn't as stunning as he is, I'd even say that I was wearing it better than he was.

Adrien mumbled under his breath, "I still can't believe that we didn't go to jail all those years ago, like how did we even end up here?"

I kissed his cheek to calm him as I thought over his question, "simple answer, they needed us. And we had sensitive information, they couldn't have sent us to jail or else we might have released some crucial information to the wrong people. Plus, they're constantly tracking us and even have us on a curfew, so it's not like we got off scot-free. And they gave us this responsibility because we're the best equipped.

"In five minutes you and me, we're going to run Miraculous Inc, we're going to be in charge of thousands, and we'll do an amazing job." My breath caught as I remembered that soon Chat and I would be in charge of all of the agents and making sure they don't do anything illegal and making sure to stop the children abduction program.

I wasn't too sure we could do it, but if anyone could do it, we could. Alya, Nino, and Chloe walked up beside us, Alya in a suit that matched mine, Nino wore a suit jacket but with jeans (typical), and Chloe in her usual fashion, came in wearing a stunning yellow dress that made all eyes wander to her.

She basked in the attention everyone gave her, in fact, she thrived under it.

Which is exactly she's in charge of public communications of WAIT now, she'll do a fantastic job of not letting the press run us over.

Alya was going to be in charge of all the online articles and the websites due to her great writing skills.

Nino didn't really want to be in charge of anything, and instead now owns a radio channel which is gaining listeners by the day, and he does his part by answering questions of our missions we've done when asked by a listener. The only reason he was with us today was because a) he was apart of the team and should get closure just like the rest of us, and b) his girlfriend, Alya, was a big part of the new management of the agency. He was mostly here to cheer on Alya.

That left Adrien and me, we were thrown into the position of co-owners of the whole program, we'll oversee to make sure everything is more legal and to help all the child agents get back to their homes.

All five of us stood tall as we walked into the room when the clock hit noon. The new age of agents was upon us, and we were going to be the ones to lead them into the light.

Everything would be great, and under our management, everything will end up magnificent, and even if it doesn't turn out as perfect as we wish, I had a feeling that we could turn the situation around and make it all work out for the better.

I put my hand inside my fiance's and smiled as he ran his hand through his blond hair. His emerald eyes sparkled, "Shall we go, Princess."

My mouth turned up into a smirk, "Yes, we shall, Kitty."

In unison, we all walked into the room and took command. As my eyes took in all of the poor agents that had everything taken from them from such a young age, I knew that I would stop at nothing to bring justice for all of us.

I was Ladybug after all, there was nothing I couldn't do.


That's it! This is the end of the book, Unmasked, I hope you all enjoyed it!

I think I might actually do I PJO or HOO fanfic next, or maybe continue my Marvel one shot book, 

what do you all want to see next?

Thanks so much for reading, voting, and commenting!


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