Chapter Four

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Dedicated to @MiraculousButterflyM , I'm glad you're enjoying the book so far! Thanks for voting and adding it to your favourites! <3

Word Count: 1581

Lunch came around in a flash, the morning classes all blended into one. I couldn't help but be glad it was only the first day of class, and that I hadn't missed anything important in all my daydreaming. Even though I was here on a mission, my interest had been peaked and I want to learn. I've yet to complete my final schooling year- as agents, we usually get the basics before we're thrust into missions. No one on the team has learned any of the material they will be teaching us, and so even though it might interfere with the mission I was going to give my all to the classes.

Alya poked my shoulder playfully, and I smiled at her and nodded once she asked if I wanted to sit with her at lunch. "Some kids will be joining us too if that's okay?"

Smiling I chirped, "That sounds like fun, it's good to meet new people anyways."
We sat down in the cafeteria and stared up at the school's skylights. Whistling, Alya exclaimed, "What a fancy school!" I agreed with her as I bit into a sandwich only to choke when two figures sat down at our table. "Marinette, these two are new students too! This is Nino," she pointed at a guy with glasses and a red baseball cap, "and this," she points to the guy I ran into earlier, "is Adrien."

I waved hello to them as I took a drink of water. Adrien hadn't stopped staring at me since he sat down. My hands shook nervously and I looked down at them blushing, stupid teenage hormones. I've been shot at, kidnapped, threatened, and many more in my line of work, and never snapped. Yet one look from this guy and I felt as if I was spiralling out of control.

When I looked up I noticed that Adrien was looking at me with dazzling green eyes, he stuck his hand out and I shook it, relishing in the strangely familiar feeling of his hand in mine. "I'm Adrien," he informed me in the silky voice of his.

"Marinette." His eyes widened slightly at the sound of my voice before he shook his head. "Are you okay?" I asked him when he sat there, stock still, for a few minutes.

His eyes snapped to mine and I lost my breath as I stared into his familiar green eyes. Chat? I shook my head, that's impossible. The Guardian would never make it this easy to find each other. But then again, he probably thinks that we've never really seen each other's hair or heard the other's voices, which Chat and I had done...

"I'm great," he replied with a broad smile. I was about to open my mouth to ask him a question when out of nowhere, a loud, nefarious laugh boomed through the school. Shivers raced down my spine, making my hair stand up.

"I am Hawkmoth," it announced and as if a switch was flicked, I was no longer a teenage girl, I was Ladybug. My mouth mumbled a quick excuse, and my eyes widened as I found the others doing the same, I didn't have the time to wonder though because I was already racing down the hallways of the school.

Hastily I opened my locker where I had earlier stashed my Miraculous outfit. After grabbing the suit in its bag I raced to an empty classroom to hastily change.

I swore at the spandex as it stuck to my skin when I pulled it on. My hood was thrown on hastily when Hawkmoth continued, "I would like to say hello to Miraculous Inc, it's good to see you're enjoying your stay here..." Clumsily, I stashed the bag with my clothes before I ran through the halls of the school.

My feet pounded as I ran towards the announcements room, I may not have had a tour, but I studied a map of the school before the mission started. It's always handy to know where everything is, especially in emergencies like this one. Hawkmoth continued, "Isn't it dull to be spies? So constricting- I hated it."

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