Six days have passed by and I can't seem to stop seeing....I don't know,ghosts?Phantoms?What's the difference?
Things have been getting worst and worst.I can't sleep by myself,I can't be by myself,because they're always there,they're always watching.
I don't know what to do.
No one believes.Laura believes but she hasn't seen them.It's not the same thing.Seeing is believing.
Roger stopped seeing them though.He said they don't bother him any more.I wish I was him.
This has become a serious problem.These ghosts are haunting me.Everyone actually.
Christina said she saw shadows in her room.And she also said that she feels someone is watching her.Won't be long before she sees them.
I feel like I am going insane.Insanity is taking over.This house feels like a mental institution and I feel like I'm one of the patients.Only difference is that I'm not getting any treatment.
The woman in black never showed up.Last time I saw her was when she was in my room the other night,and I'm thankful for that.
I've done everything.I've prayed.I've read the bible.Nothing helps.I've tried spreading sage around the room,didn't help.I've called Mr Williams to tell him the whole story.He didn't believe.
I'm doomed.I have to stay here for a few more weeks with no way out.It's like a nightmare.The worst thing is that it's a never-ending one.
“Claire?I found something."Roger said from up his room.I immediately charged up the stairs,not wanting to be alone any longer.
I walked into the room,the room that I was sleeping in and I spotted Roger searching the drawers.
“What's up?Found something?"I asked him.
“A lot of things."he smirked.
“This room belonged to René Scheinberg,the wife of Viktor Scheinberg.They slept in separate rooms,obviously,but why?No one knows.I found something that explains everything."he said.“Her journal."
“How'd you find it?I searched those drawers numerous times."I said,kneeling down next to him.
“They weren't in the drawers,they were under them."he explained.“They dug a hole,a pretty big one under these drawers,and they put it there."he said pointing towards the big hole.
“Smart."I admitted.
“Genius."he corrected.
“Let's read shall we?"he offered.I nodded and leaned in to read what was written in the diary.
5 May 1721
Today has been a very good day.We moved in our palace,And now we feel like royalty again.
My beloved is still infuriated with me.He does not wish to sleep with me anymore.All because of a plain mistake.He does not forgive.
“That's it?"I ask.
“Yep.This is from the year of 1721's.It's the most recent one."he sighed.
“So there's more?"I asked.
“Yep.I just don't know where.This one was under a drawer,into the ground."
“So,basically they can be anywhere?"I asked him,wide-eyed.
“Yeah."he sighed.
“Whoa."I breathed out.
“Can't believe that bit-"he was cut off by a vase hitting the wall behind him.He moved forward.
“What the hell was that?"He asked,frightened.
“I don't know."
Then,another vase hit us,but this time,one of the pieces of glass tore into my thigh.I hissed in pain.A lot of blood was oozing out of the deep cut.
“We have to get out of here."he said,and that's when she showed up.The woman in black.She charged towards us and the creepiest thing happened.She went right through us.
I felt the cold in my bones.It was surreal.My legs began shaking and I fell to the wooden floor.Roger fell down next to me.
“Did you feel that?"he asked.
“Yeah."I responded.
“What the hell is goi-Whoa."Eric said whilst walking through the door.“What happened here and God!Claire your cut!"
I looked down at my thigh and my eyes widened in pure terror.There was something black trying to make its' way out,like a spider.
“Jesus."he cursed.“We need to get out of here."
The Mansion
HororThis is a story about a Historian named Claire-Marie Gregory that becomes the chosen one in the company she works in. She is given her task,and she asks six of her closest friends to join her. The more they discover,the more they regret being a part...