One On One Time (Father!Yusei x Daughter!Reader x Mother!Akiza)

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Requested by: Lumaking7


Four kids is hard to keep track of, especially if they're quadruplets. They're all the same age, and they all require the same things. It's hard taking care of four crying babies at once. Even when they're all hungry, thought the couple wouldn't change a single thing about their life. Taking care of their children was truly bliss, yet again very stressful. However, to see them all blossom into such amazing and beautiful people made them tear up very much. One excels at the arts, the other one in academics, and the third one does more of athletic trade. Now that's a lot to see and such.

(y/n) being the youngest out of the four, excels in dueling. She proved herself to be the best out of the four. Her skills were beyond her age. Of course, she participated in many tournaments and street duels. She even won a couple of trophies in her career. Yusei and Akiza loved watching their children grow in their talents. They even believed that (y/n) surpassed them in her dueling skills. Today is however different from any other day. As the rest of the three attend to their own talents and school. (y/n) laid in bed, sick from a cold.

Today was suppose to be the first day of the Neo Domino tournament. She had to walk around town and duel for puzzle pieces. The puzzle was suppose to represent a ticket to the final tournament. Unfortunately, her sickly nature made her bedridden for the rest of the day. She wanted to go out and gain the puzzle pieces, but she wasn't allowed to. Akiza knows fresh air is healthy, and so is a good workout, but dueling can be too strenuous for her body. From past experiences, Yusei and Akiza didn't want (y/n) to duel in a sick condition.

Akiza and Yusei took the time to spend quality time with their youngest. Akiza gave her healthy snacks, and warm yummy things to eat to help her. Yusei enlightened her with creating a new deck. As she was picking a choosing, Akiza and Yusei lended their advice.

"Raigeki break would be a good trap card, I haven't seen that many people do play it." Akiza spoke.

"You're right, though how many I should put in my deck? Two?" (y/n) asked.

"If you want to, then do it. I trust your judgement." Yusei spoke as he looked at more and more of her cards.

"Ooo, then poison of the old man then! That's a good card!" (y/n) smiled.

Yusei nodded and placed the card on the bed, he found it in the stack of card he was looking through.

"You have enough synchro material, right?" Akiza asked.

"Yes I do Mommy! Don't worry!" (y/n) smiled.

Akiza leaned over and kissed her forehead. Meanwhile Yusei just placed the cards down on the bed and gave a quick little smile. The two females averted their eyes to Yusei. Yusei ran some fingers through his hair and smiled, "I think you're ready."

Akiza spoke, "Honey..."

Yusei got up and left the room. (y/n) gave a small look of confusion, though she leaned into her arm and gave a nasty cough. Akiza rubbed her daughter's back and let (y/n) lean on her. Yusei soon came back with his deck in hands. He sat down in his chair and began to search through his cards. He finally reached to the last card and his eyes softened. He smiled to himself with a small sigh. He placed the rest of the cards on the nightstand.

"Take this." Yusei handed the card to (y/n).

(y/n) took the card, her eyes widened, "This is your Stardust Dragon, Dad! Wh-why are you giving me your ace card?!"

Yusei chuckled, "I feel as if you deserve it for the time being."

Akiza nodded, "Your father and I talked about it. He wanted to give that card to you for the longest time."

(y/n) smiled, "Th-thank you! I'll treat this card the best I can! Thank you Dad!" (y/n) hugged her father so tight.

"Now, now, you're still sick. Get some rest." Yusei pulled away but he placed a kiss on her head.

(y/n) nodded, "Alright, I love you both so much!"

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