Best Faces (Son!Yuri x Mother!Reader x Son!Takeru Homura)

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Requested by: bumblebee0356

PSA: I'm sorry if this sucks, I didn't know what to write for this request.


With their smiles, (y/n) couldn't be happier. Takeru and Yuri are such pleasant children. They're well behaved and have such kind hearts. Yuri however can be different when it comes to that. It really depends on his mood. He can be kind but the next minute he's rude. (y/n) doesn't know why he does that, but she's teaching him. Takeru is also helping Yuri along with that. (y/n) is thankful for children like them. They're sweet kids and they don't do anything to harm her. They're the best kids she can ever ask for.

(y/n) loves seeing her children every day. She works hard and has an amazing job. In fact, it is her dream job. Of course, (y/n) always sees her children right after school. She picks them up and they often go home right after. Sometimes she even treats them to a late lunch. That's only once in awhile. Sometimes instead of lunch, she treats them to a treat. Ice cream, candy, etc. or anything else like that. (y/n) is only trying her damn hardest for her kids. She wants them to grow up and be successful people. That's all she could ever want.

Watching her babies grow was almost break breaking. Takeru was going to graduate, and Yuri was in Duel Academy. She couldn't be happier in this moment. Her children are following their own dreams. They're becoming amazing young adults. They're exploring and trying new things. Takeru and Yuri are taking a step in their life. A life where taxes and yet magical things surround you. Yuri couldn't honestly wait to be 18, however Takeru can. He was almost dreading it. He wanted to remain 17, just for another year. He was kid of scares to be honest.

"Don't worry my children, I'll be here... no matter what." (y/n) would always say to them.

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