Chapter 7

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---Vanessa's POV---

I  sit on the plane, connected to the free wifi already, writing a book on this AMAZING APP i found while we were waiting for our plane, WATTPAD! So I'm writing books under the name AHKDeviltrio. AHK stands for Ai Hikaru Kaoru, which is a reference to my Twilight OHSHC crossover that i wrote at school while i was at the orphanage. Ai is shipped with Kaoru, and AI has a twin for Hikaru's twin Kaoru. Her name is Aya.  Those tow are shipped together too.... all i need to do is find that flash drive....

"Vic, you want something to drink?" Con asks, tapping my shoulder nad snapping me out of my thought.

"DO they have any wine?" IS What  AHK-chan was about to put.) "Uh... Dr.Pepper? And any Malteezers?" I ask them. (Yaz, that as meant as a little joke between us. MY FRIEND FROM ACROSS THE WORLD! I probably didn't even spell it right because my American Auto correct wont say anything...)

"We have Dr.Pepper, but what are "Malteezers" was it?" THe lady asks, a slight-- SLIGHT -- British accent.

"Malteezers are chocolate covered wafer cookies shaped in a sphere... i think... i just wants to know because I've never had any... the closest thing i think I've had is  Whoppers..." I explain.

"Ah." She says, pour my Pepper, then strolls with the cart.

"You do know the chemical reaction that had wiht your stomach acid, right vic?" Con asks me..

"Yes. And this is so that I don't need to eat anything while we're on the plane. You don't want to deal with a motion sick me." I tell him.

"Okay.." he says, puts his headphones on, then crashes in his seat.

"Cute~" Kirstie teases me from the next row over.

"Kirst, please go to sleep already." I groan before finishing my Pepper.


"Ness. Wake up." Connor groans, his voice husky.

"I was already up." I deadpan tell him.

"First class, please  exit the plane." A female voice asks politely over the intercom.

"I love first class." I hear Mitch say, Scott grunting in agreement.

I get up, Connor handing me my carry-on.

"Thanks." I thank him as he lets me out and walk in front of him.

"You are welcome, my princess." He says, sounding like that guy from my manga...

"Please stop impersonating Tamaki. He's a creep and we both know it..." i aks him to stop... Suoh isn't exactly someone I'd like to hang out with...

"I was attempting a kyoya, but it seems as though i failed to be as charming as he is." Connor defends, bringing out a black notebook and talking like Kyoya' voice actor, J. Michael Tatum, does.

"Uh... Sempai? Can you stop being so creepy? I mean, I don't really think my parents like you doing background checks on all of them." I tell him, impersonating Haruhi, voiced by Caitlin Glass.

"Haru-chan! Do you want to hold USA-chan?" He asks, impersonating Honey-sempai.

"H-Honey-sempai, I'm Hikaru.... Do you need glasses?" I ask him, impersonating Hikaru.

"Hikaru! I thought I'd lost you on the plane!" Con exclaims, impersonating Kaoru.

"M-Mori-sempai, Honey-sempai wont need dentures...." I sure him, impersonating Kaoru.

"If Mitsukuni has to get dentures, I don't know what I'll do." He protests, dropping his voice to copy Mori-sempai.

"Oh my god that was hilarious!" Mitch says, stopping the video he was recording on his iPhone X.

"Ouran High School Host Club impersonations. Not too bad." Con praises.

"Thanks. Now, TO THE HOTEL!!" I exclaim, then run off, Connor following close behind.

I hear someone singing my favorite song not by pentatonix, Something Big by Shawn Mendes.. odd thing is, it sounds exactly like him. I follow the noise to a sectioned off space where there's a guy with a Disc Jockey, Drummer, and an extra guitarist. There's a lot of girls fangirling and singing along. I set my bags down next to Kevin, who kept up with me and Con, then walk over and weave my way though the crowd of girls.

"Something big I feel it happening out of my control, pushin pulling and it's grabbing me, feel it in my bones like oh" she guys sings a verse. I join in, blending almost perfectly with him.

By the end of the song, the fan girls have shut up and are listening to me sing along with the man.

"And a shout to the girl in front!" He says, taking off the sunglasses to reveal....

CLIFFHANGER!!! sorry about the short chapter.... I might double upload, but will defiantly upload tomorrow. I got out of school on Thursday, so I should have a lot more writing time.

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