Started With a Tube - Chapter 11

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Started With a Tube - Chapter 11

"It's your birthday tomorrow?"

"I figured you'd find out," Alec groans. "But I really don't want this to be a big deal."

"Of course it's a big deal, you're going to be eighteen," I say. Our school decided that it would be best for Alec to fit into the ways of English teaching by holding him back a year, so although he should technically be in the year above me, he's not.

"But that's a horrible thought," he shudders. "That's so old. So much older than you."

"It's like two years, that's not too bad," I say. "Besides, my birthday's in March so you're actually less than a year and a half older."

"Okay, when you put it like that I guess it's okay," he says. "It's just, sixteen and eighteen. That sounds kinda bad."

"No it doesn't, stop freaking yourself out over this," I tell him, leaning up to give him a kiss.

"You're right, I'm just being stupid and paranoid," he says. "Ignore me."

"Anyway, what are you doing for this completely secretive birthday then?" I ask. "Wild party, yeah?"

"No," he laughs. We're walking home from school after a particularly awful week. After skipping school on Monday we had to explain to our parents why we'd been absent and they understood. We returned on Tuesday and my friends were really apologetic, saying that they were stupid for what they'd said, and when I explained what Peter had said they were even more sympathetic. It was fine, for the most part. There were a few rumours, but nothing too drastic. It's just tired me out if I'm honest. I just want to get home and spend the night with Alec.

"So what are you thinking instead?" I ask.

"Well, I was planning on doing nothing, but since you found out," he grins, "I was thinking we could maybe do something, just us?"

"Yeah, like what?" I ask.

"Well we could maybe go out, grab some dinner or something? Is there anything you've been wanting to do?"

"I'm up for anything," I tell him. "But yeah, dinner sounds good."

"Okay, I'll sort something out," he grins.

"Are you sure you want to? What if somebody sees us or something?"

"Cat, I think we've reached a point now where we can tell people," he says, linking his hand through mine.


"Totally, if you want to, that is."

"I think that would be nice," I smile.

"Sorted then," he says. "But I should have you know that we're technically not a couple."


"Well I've not asked the question yet, have I?"

"I suppose you haven't," I say with a smirk. "Have you just been stringing me along this whole time? Oh Alec Jameson, I'm disappointed in you."

"Yeah I'm starting to think that maybe that Chrissie girl is catching my eye," he jokes.

"Don't even kid about that, she's vile," I shudder.

"You think? I reckon the drug addict crossed with not washing your hair for a month look is really quite hot."

"You didn't just say that," I laugh.

"I'm not even kidding, it turns me on so much. Like wow."

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