Started With a Tube - Chapter 13

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Started With a Tube - Chapter 13

The next morning is a beautifully awkward thing.

My mum wanders in telling me it's time for breakfast, but of course Alec is in my bed with me. I think she's going to yell, but considering we're fully clothed and still basically on top of the covers, I think she believes our story of how we accidentally fell asleep while talking. But I don't think she minds though, even still.

And then she leaves and there's food on the go, so I use the bathroom, then so does Alec and we have breakfast with my family - excluding dad, who's at work. We have pancakes and tea, except from Alec, who has coffee. Because tea 'tastes like dishwater'.

It's all very chilled out and when Mark stands up saying he's going out Christmas shopping, he gives mum a kiss on the cheek, he tells me he loves me and he tells Alec he'll see him later. So we're left with just the three of us, eating pancakes in our over-decorated kitchen which looks like a Christmas showroom for Ikea.

"Do you two have any plans for today then?" mum asks.

"I don't know really," I shrug, looking at Alec.

"I was thinking we could go to that park place that just opened?"

"Oh yeah, they have that skating rink!" I agree excitedly.

"I'll take that as a yes then," mum grins.

"We're going ice skating," I inform her.

"If that's okay with you, of course," Alec inputs, sending me a cocky glare.

"Of course," mum says. "Just wrap up well, it's really cold out. There's been snow forecast."

"Told you," I say, smirking at Alec behind a pancake.

"Well this is going to be amazing," he grins excitedly.

"Never seen snow?" mum guesses.

"Correct," I nod. "Or never seen London snow, at least. Well come on and finish your pancakes, I'm going to shower and change then we can head to yours so you can get changed."

"Are you saying there's something wrong with my clothes?" he asks, although it's completely muffled due to his mouthful of food.

"Yes, the fact you slept in them last night," I say, smiling sweetly. "Okay, I won't be long. Mum, entertain him."

"How about I show him that video of you-"

"No!" I shriek. "Do not do that."

"Do what?" Alec asks with a smirk.

"Nothing," I say quickly.

"It's just this video-"

"Mum if you show him the video I will cry."

"Okay fine, I won't show him."

"Brilliant, thank you," I sigh, turning and heading upstairs. And I know for sure that she shows him the video.


I think I may have overestimated my ability to ice skate.

Sure I never envisioned myself being able to twirl and do fancy jumps, but I at least thought I'd be able to, y'know, stand. But of course, I'm already the clumsiest person on earth, so imagine taking the clumsiest person and put them on ice. Yeah, not good.

Alec spends most of the afternoon in fact, helping me up when I fall on my backside. He resorts to just firmly holding my hand the entire time so I can't fall, but I'm in no way complaining. After a while of going in circles though, we both begin to get kind of bored. I mean there's not much to do but go around and around the rink, so we get out and return our skates. It was a lot of fun though.

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