The Life Of An Orphan - Chapter Eleven : To change or to die

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Haven't uploaded in a long time :) haha <3


Kaitlyn is a sixteen year old girl trying to live her life when one night in the woods she experiences something life changing, Her best friends a werewolf! To top it off this creepy bunch of boys with Jamie are vampires. But this is the problem, she isn't supposed to know they exist .. because she is a human. It's against the rules! But poor Kaitlyn doesn't know that and overwhelmed (she just found out about werewolves and vamps) she runs out nearly gets hit by a car. Little did she know the driver of that car is Jem a vampire prince! He offers her a meal and they end up in McDonald's, when she is cleaning up she comes back to see that Chris and Jamie's crew have been yelling at Jem and she faints and accidentally says stuff about vampires which causes Jamie to have to imprison her in his house until the court gives orders.

Recap of last chapter:

"Bye." I whispered to Matt.

Jem glared at me. " Dont talk to servants!"

Tight lipped, I followed Jem to whereever he was leading me too. This was not the Jem from last night.

CHAPTER ELEVEN: To serve or to die

I walked down a long hallway holding my long dress while speed walking. Jem was walking quickly with a enraged look on his face.

"Where are we going right now?" I asked politely. No need to piss him off, I knew he was super duper strong and could snap my head off. I have watched my fair share of vampire movies. Thank you Stephanie Meyers I silently thought.

"The court." He snapped. "We're going to see what to do with you."

I blinked and felt myself suddenly feel scared. I was in a mansion full of vampires who could all kill me easily if the judge decided he didn't like me or I was useless. Besides I was a human and I broke rules. I bit my lip and looked at the painting on the wall. They were all of Vampires, Their previous Kings and time and date, I noticed one frame was empty.

"Hey Jem," I tapped him on the shoulder. "What happened to that painting it's missing,"

He scowled. "No time for this, we're due in the court room in three minutes and it's halfway across the place! This only leave one thing." He bent down.

Oh crap.. Now he was going to give me a superspeed piggy back that would leave me dizzy and make me barf. "No.. I can't! I won't do it! I get to dizzy."

Jem looked at me weirdly," Unless you want to be late c'mon!"

"NOO!" I dropped to my knees. " I TOLD YOU I GET DIZZY,"

Jem cleared his throat as a loud ding and elevator appeared. Vampires exited and looked at me weirdly. I breathed a sigh of relief! Whew! I hopped into the elevator and pressed buttons randomly.

Jem slapped my hands. "No! Kaitlyn! We are on the 5 floor."

He glared at me while I shrugged, "Sorry, It was so tempting..."

He softened and rolled his eyes at me while we stopped at all the floors till 5. It wasn't tempting or anything I had lied, I was just nervous to go in the courtroom and wanted to stall. But now that we we're about to enter the huge wooden doors I was panicking, I turn around and started to walk away but Jem caught me with his steel grip.

"Oh no you don't," He smiled at me and brushed his blonde hair out of his eyes.

I struggled to wriggle out of his hands but it's was too late, the two guards opened the doors and shoved us in. I tripped over my darned long dress and cursed loudly. I looked up and slapped a hand over my mouth. Had I really just screamed, "Damned hell damn this policing restraining dumbledore jiggly puff asswiped dress!" in front of hundreds of vampires!?

I guess I did because their faces were all shocked and mouths were all open like Cheerios. Jem smirked beside me, " Way to make an entrance."

"Shutup." I muttered casting my eyes to the ground. I walked down the long stair of steps and looked around the circled room. In the middle there was a stage accompanied by a judge with a hammer and those tall desks. Around the huge room were windows. This room kind of looked like a football stadium, it was the same size too.

-Two hundred steps later-

I huffed out of breath and climbed on top of the stage. Amused, Jem laughed from the chair he was sitting on in the audience. So not fair, Jem used his vampire speed and flitted down the stairs in a seconds while I had to drag myself down end agonizing step by one. I could hear some vampires snoring loudly.

"Aw give it up you!" I yelled at one vampire who was snoring loudly. "I know your kind doesn't sleep, which means ya don't snore!"

The vampire grinned and opened his eyes to reveal.. Matt! My heart lifted, he had gotten a seat! To see me die.. Great. He winked at me and smiled. Somehow it made me feel a bit better.

The judge quickly slammed his hammer down and yelled. "We are here today to talk about this young girl..."

"Kaitlyn." I supplied from my desk next to the judge.

He glared at me. "Talk about this young girl." He emphasized that part showing that he didn't care and carried on speaking. "Knowing about to existence of vampires!"

The crowd gasped collectively.

"This isn't a show on tv you know!?" I muttered.

"Anyways, we've asked you fellow vampires what to do. On the ballot under your chair, please pull it out, Mark the one you want to do with her. One tick only please!"

I froze, I couldn't believe they were doing this.. Such a free decision. I saw a pair of vampires read out the list, "You can choose, to: Die, Turn her, Make her a servant, Use her blood for upcoming feast and Use her as bait."

I froze, All of the decisions.. They were.. They ended up.. Horribly. I stifled a gasp as a group of people yelled, "Use her blood! She smells delish!"

I glanced over at Jem and saw him with wide eyes. "I'm sorry." He mouthed.

I shook my head trying to choke back tears as more people chose Die. That word echoed in my mind.. Die. I was just a normal girl, a week ago I was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of ending up in this position.

I felt as if everything was moving in slow mo, The ballots were collected. Each paper were counted one by one, hundreds counted in mere seconds.

"Ahaha!" One of the guys counting the ballots chuckled. "Someone actually wanted to change her!"

The other guys chuckled. "The counts up!"

I hyperventilated. "Please, please dear god save me."

The judge knocked his hammer three times, I saw the ballots all piled up in their groups. Two of them looked the same size with the rest look super small.

"Well," The judge smirked. "I see the majority of you voted for her to.."

I looked over to Mark and saw his face stricken with anguish.

The crowd held their breath. "Be turned."


OH SNAP CAN I GET A WOOAAHH OR WHAT! please vote and comment about what your feeling right now and what you think about mark :)

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