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Chapter 6

I raced forward,my sneakers thudded against the ground. My bronze sword grazed against my skin.I held it up and aimed.It flew through the air,i did a flip in the air and landed lightly on my feet easily. I catched my sword and ran forward. My sword was positioned already. Aimed forward..straight at the heart. 'STOP' a voice rang out.I gasped but quickly regained myself. 'Your toast' i sneered. 'Am No-'. Too late. My sword went straight threw his heart. The boy let out a strangled cry as he fell to the ground. And the boy's name..was Chris.


It flashed GAME OVER across the screen in big bold red letter.

'HELL YEAH' Kaitlyn yelled throwing the equipment on the ground.

'I totally beat you in *Real 4 Life*' I yelled slamming my fists on the table and doing a victory dance. Real 4 life was a game at the arcade that was great. It made it feel like you were actually there.The objective of the game was to kill the person. Wearing gear and everything so it made it feel more real.

"Yea..' Chris grumbled.

'Ice cream time' I said happily skipping to Dairy queen.Chris had brought me out to the mall for an apology for lunch.

When we got their we sat down in a booth.

Seconds later a waitress arrived.

'Two vanilla ice creams please' i said grinning and looking up at the waiteress.She wasn't even looking at me.She was checking Chris out. I hadn't noticed Chris was ripped.

What was funny,was that Chris wasn't even looking at her,he was studying the sheet of ice cream like he was actually interested whether he wanted strawberry or vanilla ice cream. I looked up at the waitress if she was pissed or something. But if she was she quickly hid it.

Moments later she returned with two ice cream cones coated with chocolate.She handed the ice cream to me without a second glance and turned back to Chris.

Aw,Thanks im so touched! I thought.

I looked back at the waitress to see her slide a napkin under Chris's ice cream cone and leave with a smirk.On the napkin in a tiny srcawl was a number.

Chris glanced at it,scowled and crumpled it up into a little ball.

I began licking my ice cream satisfied with his reaction.

This is good i thought practically inhaling my ice cream.

"You'll get a brain freeze" Chris warned.

"Rubbish" I said in a British accent.


One minute later.

'BRAAIIIIIIIIN FREEEEEEZE' I yelled clutching my head.

Told you so!' Chris said as a matter of fact.

I stuck my tongue out and banged my head on the table.

'Ow,ow,ow,ow' i murmured.

'I told you eating your ice cream so fast wasn't smart' Chris repeated himself. He licked his ice cream cone slowly.

I threw my cone at him.

'Ow' He said.

'Good' I wiped my hand on his jacket and pushed him forward.

'Lets go' i said shoving him.

'To the movies..'I finished abruptly.


Chris POV


Out of ALL the movies that could be on Twilight:New Moon was the only one that was on. It seemed that all the other movie tickets were sold out.

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