Chapter 2

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"I appreciate you coming here today but with all do respect, theres a big ass line of people behind you that want coffee", i laughed. He turned around. "Oh look at that", he laughed too. "Have a fantastic day Rachel", he said and smiled. "You too Jeffrey", i said as i watched him exit the building.


I woke up again and headed off to work. I did my usual routine to the usual customers that come in everyday, I practically knew the orders off by heart due to how many times they come in. I heard the bell to the door ding, i looked up and there he was. Jeffrey once again standing on the other side of the counter. His mouth opened a little bit to speak but before he could say anything i spoke up first. "Wait wait...dont tell, one sugar", i asked. "Very Impressive sweetheart", he grins. "what brings you here", i said handing him the coffee. "Just had to see you again", he smiles handing me the money. Our hands grazed each others as i took the bill. I giggled. "You have a cute laugh", he says and crinkled his nose. "Thanks", i smiled. I pointed to the people behind him. He turned around and then turned back to me. "Shoot, every time eh", he laughs. "Yeah, this place gets quite busy...especially when theres a celebrity in it", i say. He nodded and stepped out of line. "See you later darlin", he says and waved as he walked out the door.

Later that night i got a notification. I picked my phone up and hopped into bed. I opened twitter and it was a follow request from jeffrey. Oh my, this man is too precious. I accepted it and put my phone on the night stand. Until it went off again seconds later. Jeffrey direct messaged me.



I was worried you wouldn't accept it...

Why would you be worried, you're the
top customer at my shop...its almost like I have to accept it

Ooo well that just means i drink
Wayyy to much caffeine


Come have lunch with me

I'd love too

Awesome, ill pick you up tomorrow around 1:00pm

Sounds good.


Once again jeffrey walked into the doors of my work and came up to the counter with a big smile on his face. "Whats with the smile", i laughed. "You look nice today", he said. "Cmon I'm in an apron with...", i paused and sniffed my clothes. "Whipped cream all over it", i said. "I love whipped cream, and it adds to your whole cute barista attire", he waved his hands explaining himself. "Well thank you", i blushed a bit. "Ready to go?", he asked. "Yup, i just need to throw these in the back and ill be right out", I said. He nodded.
I ran over to the mirror in the back room and fixed my hair and quickly changed and walked out to see him waiting for me. He smiled again. "Theres that smile again", I giggled. "Cant help it", he said. "After you", he let me out the door first. He opened his car door for me. "Thank you", i said. "Of course", he said as he hopped into the drivers seat.

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