Chapter 4 - Crossing the Magic Line

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Friday was here. I was trying to find a decent restaurant to take Sonja to. Speaking of the newest angel in my life, my phone rings. "Hey Sonja. What's up?" "I thought that I would swing by and pick you up." "Okay" "What time will you be released?" she asked. "Probably around 1500. We'll be at the range after lunch."

Sonja arrived dressed like a fashion model. "Look at you!" I said. "Just a little something I picked up on my last trip to New York City." Sonja surprised me as she took my hand as she drove back to the condo. For some reason she hung back when we got there and I ended up unlocking the door. The most wonderful smells enveloped me. I looked at her with surprise since I knew that Sonja doesn't eat my food.

"You have a wonderful mother Chris but you already know that. She gave me the recipes for your favorite dishes. So why don't you go catch a shower then when you're dressed, open the package on your bed."

I really wanted to rush through the shower but the water felt so good that I didn't want to get out of it. I shaved and got dressed again and was heading for the door when I remembered the package. I opened it and found a black negligee, a garter belt with fishnet hose, black stilettos and a box of condoms. So this is how Sonja had decided to tell me that she was ready to give herself to me. I tried to wipe the grin off my face to no avail.

When I opened the door, I saw that Sonja had pulled the drapes, turned off the lights and had lit candles all over the condo. Bonnie Raitt was playing. I walked up to Sonja and pulled her into an embrace. "That was quite a gift" I whispered in her ear and then I nibbled on her neck. "Well I think you'll like them better when I get them on." she said seductively.

The food was prepared well. I really was hungry. I had been planning to go back to the restaurant that had the great Iowa beef but this was just fine.

Dessert was a strawberry pie with whip cream. I saved some of mine and as I stripped off Sonja's clothes place cream on some erogenous spots on both her body and my own.

There was no rush to leave Sonja's bed. The next day we finally got up about noon and after showering together ended up right back in the bed.

After we got up the second time, Sonja put on my gift. How she walked in those shoes is beyond me!

We ate leftovers from earlier in the week for dinner then watched another movie or should I say tried to watch a movie. Between the kissing and licking, I'm not sure what was going on on the television screen but I was certainly entertained.

Early Sunday afternoon I took Sonja to a miniature golf park. She had never golfed before and struggled with much comic relief to get the ball into the cup. It was the first time in a long while that I had seen her laugh so much.

We came back to the condo after stopping for burgers. We made slow, deliberate love that night. I found myself trying to figure out how I could ever leave this woman again.

Unsettled, I got up and went out onto the balcony. While I never turned around, I could feel Sonja's eyes on me. At one time, I heard her bump into some furniture but I remained focus on my thoughts.

When I came in from the outside, I eased myself back into the bed with her again. I knew as soon as I reached for her that she was also awake. She remained silent.

"You know Sonja, I don't know if I can do this." "Do what Chris?" Sonja asks. "Leave you." Silence. "I mean leave you forever" "What does that mean?" "Sonja I have loved you for a long while. I suffered quietly the first few weeks after you left. I made myself a promise that I shouldn't have. I told myself if I ever 'found you' again that I wouldn't let you go.

So here I am now here with you remembering my promise to myself." I pulled her closer to me if that was possible. We dozed off only to be rudely awakened by the alarm just a few hours later.

When I came back from taking a shower in the guest bedroom, I found Sonja fully dressed and ready to depart. "It's going to be a long day" Sonja said. "Well it has really been a long day already because I didn't get much sleep." I said.

"Look Sonja, I wasn't being negative. I saw a comment once by Charles Morgan who said 'There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved.' It's just that I am really taken aback Sonja. I had no idea that it could physically hurt to love someone when they were still alive. Gregorio was so right about us. We are like a machine, each one contributing parts to the intended mission but need each other to work effectively.

I kissed her goodbye and watched the door close then gathered up my own materials and left for my class.

Sonja arrived home that night about an hour after me. She threw her keys onto the counter and then came over and parked herself onto my lap. We sat there for about fifteen minutes without saying a word. Finally Sonja spoke quietly. "Chris, I want you to know that I love you too. I know why I left 'Nola. I love this job. I love living in D. C. but I miss you terribly. I want to make the most of this time that we have together."

Sonja had shopped when she first got back into country so she had plenty of food to eat. I went and got some New York styled pizza from around the corner. After we ate, I joined Sonja at the sink and dried the dishes as she washed. I retreated into the guest room to work on my overnight assignment.

I came out about 9:30 to find Sonja dressed for bed reading in the living room.

"How's it going?" she asked. "Slow. I needed a break. I have at least one more hour of work to do."

"Well, I'll meet you in the boudoir" Sonja says with laughter in her voice.

She had fallen asleep by the time that I got to bed. She murmured something as she turned to me and quickly started breathing quietly into sleep.

A more cheery Sonja greeted me the next morning. She asked me if I wanted to join her in the shower. "Well, I would like to"I replied "but that's like lighting a fuse." "I took care of that" she said. "I sat the alarm 30 minutes early." "I like you're thinking girl" and literally jumped out of the bed to join her

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