✊Stolen, (His P.O.V.)✊

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◀Freddy Kruger▶

I'll show her. I'll show her, I'm not the monster everyone thinks I am.

I'm always up for a good challenge, YN was just the one I needed. Smart, strong, a little hot-headed. A little hot everything, honestly. But there was more than just that, really there was. Other than being a good chase, I felt for the kid.

Parents, dead. Good ones too. She doesn't show it, but she misses her mother.

That's her weakness.

I unlocked my hold against her Aunt Rebecca, maybe that would give YN's heart a bit of ease. I never did this, but, what the hell. Just this one time, just this one time, I'll let my heart decide on something. Hopefully it doesn't blow up in my face.

After releasing Rebecca's soul from my grip, she instantly awoke. All the nurses cheered for her in the room. "It's a miracle!" I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

I made my way back the jail YN was being held at, making myself seen by everyone in the jailhouse. The guards looked at me with shock, they instantly remembered me.

"Good morning, pigs." I chuckled, looking at some of the guards. They shook in their boots. I loved having their attention, but even more so, YN's. She looked at me with wide eyes behind the window on her door. "Freddy's back." A few inmates were crying, some guards too.

No, control yourself Freddy. You aren't here to be scary, you're here to show YN.

"First off, I want to say you've got this all wrong, I need the Sheriff." The guards looked at me, still terrified."Now!" That seemed to do the trick. The officers scattered, all going in different directions to find the Sheriff.

I smiled, making my way to YN. I could see the fear in her eyes.

"What are you?" Her voice quivered. I picked the lock on her door with my glove, releasing her from the cell. "Your worst nightmare, baby." Cheesy, I know. But what was I supposed to do? Her gaze made me nervous.

She rolled her eyes. "Seriously." Alright, alright. Just be cool Freddy. "I'm a dream demon, a killer. It's what I do YN, don't take the Aunt Rebecca thing personally." She scoffed, moving away. It crushed me.

"You can call me Freddy, sweetcheeks." She chuckled this time, making me smile with success. "Krueger." The sheriff awed. I turned, YN right behind me.

I remembered him, the same sheriff that arrested me before my own case as a human.

I hate this bastard.

But I couldn't tear him to shreds, YN was watching. "You've got this all wrong, I did it. Don't blame YN for what I've done, hell, your citzens may just lock her up and burn her to death." I chuckled at my misfortune.

"Alright, alright, just leave. Please don't hurt anyone else." It taunted me. The urge to kill was so strong, but I could feel her stare. I couldn't do that to her again.

"I'm taking YN with me." I demanded, grabbing her wrist tightly. "No! Let me go!" She screamed. The officers drew their guns, but it was too late. In a burst of flames, YN and I were in the dream realm.

She fought against my hold until I released it, watching her kick me, hard. "Oh!" I yelled out in pain as she ran in the opposite direction. I smirked a little.

Two can play at that.

I caught up with her quick, my heart pounding in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close, this time making sure to have a good grip on her. "Let me go!" She screamed again.

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