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Freddy Krueger▶

I don't know what kind of game Freddy's playing, but I'm definitely keeping my guard up. He truly seemed like he wanted to talk, and after a little bit of conversation, he let me go. He was friendly, funny, and honestly asked me questions about myself.

Aunt Rebecca recovered in the hospital for a week before returning home, but she was still shaken about the whole thing. "YN, he was going to kill me. That was Freddy Krueger." Apparently Aunt Rebecca had known him when he was still alive, and so had my mother. But Freddy swore he didn't kill her. I wasn't sure if I believed him.

After doing some research about Freddy, I was beyond confused.

How could this be real?

Demons like this don't just arrive in your sleep and appear in real life, and I didn't think they had emotions like Freddy does. Freddy seemed like he could feel happiness, saddness, maybe even love?

Still, Freddy visited me in my sleep every other day or so. I engaged in the conversations as little as I could. I didn't want him to snap and attack me too, but I wasn't a fan of being so close to him. After our fifth encounter, however, I broke.

"What do you want from me?" I asked. I truly wanted to know why he had been visting me so often. Didn't he have better things to do?

He took a minute before answering, thinking. "I want to talk to you, YN." That wasn't a good enough answer. "No, what do you want. You could talk to anybody, why me?"

His dark green eyes softened to where I could now see gold specs floating in them. "I feel we share something, YN. Broken families, broken lives. Angry outburts, sarcastic humor. I could talk to anyone, but you are just so much more intriguing."

My heart softened a little for the monster, it seemed genuine. He always seemed genuine when speaking with me, but I still didn't want to trust him.

"So, you just want a friendship?" I asked him. He chuckled, returning back to his preverted self. He touched my thigh I winked. "Sure, babygirl. For now, we can call it just that." I rolled my eyes, laughing a bit with him. I had learned very early how dirty humored he was, and how flirtatious he could be.

But still, I didn't mind this. I minded his cruelty, his coldness. I minded the fact that he was a child murder, and now a demon. I didn't approve at all of those factors I saw in him.

Maybe he isn't so bad half the time, he did rescue me from the jail. He did give me Rebecca back. And he hasn't hurt me. It seems like he really does enjoy talking to me. That still doesn't mean I trust him, he's still a monster. But..I guess monster's can have some good in them too..sometimes.

◀Jason Voorhees▶

Jason was much..sweeter..than I thought he would be. I was petrified of what he was going to do to me at his cabin, but I slowly realized he wasn't after me. What he was after, I was unsure of, but it wasn't me.

He had taken care of me all day and night, I had made sure to call my mother and tell her I had twisted and cut my ankle hiking and that I would be back home safely the next morning.

Jason did not leave my sight, he was forever crouched near my bed, his hand either stroking my hair or touching my face gingerly. There was not any conversation on his part, the only thing he would do was make noises like he was clearing his throat.

I slept well, however. The room was cool and the blankets were warm, Jason sat in a chair close to my bed. I would wake up occasionally in the night to see him holding my hand, but thought nothing of it.

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