Club O'Aces 🕴🏾

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Can I get everybody's attention, we have a New comer she's been working hear for about a week NOW🗣️ given lap dances too some of you !! Some of you might know her or recognize her but I want y'all too show some Love..

I would like too welcome " Dianna Dior🗣️" ......

Hmph, I peep from the curtain I can see that there's a full house in here I mean that's Normal because it's Friday !! But Sugar didn't tell me I would have too perform Infront of this many people!

I started too back up, I guess the stage fright kicked in. I was about too make a run for it an come up with an excuse too why I couldn't do it !! But sugar was standing right behind me !!

Sugar: Where are you going, Hope ??

(Yup, as you all sit here an think who is hope well that's my Real Name Hope Diamond & I'm 21 Years old and Yes I'm a Stripper)

Sugar: Hope snap out of it, get your ass on stage you begged me for this Job so you better go out there & show me why I should let you keep it !!

I rolled my ass at him, he did give me the job off the strength of My cousin Peaches!! I can't make her look bad .
I take a deep breath an blow it all out, I snatched the Cup of Hennessy out of sugar hand and thru it back!!

Sugar: you know I had Molly in there right !!

I looked at him like he was crazy, who spikes there own drink!!

Sugar: who drinks other people drinks!! He laughed at me go head out there & show them what you can do !!

In a instance I felt that drink an Molly kick in, I felt more seductive then I ever felt in my life. I walked on stage with a new strut in my step an my head high I grabbed the pole and looked out into the crowd..
Unfortunately I seen Familiar Faces, how could I do this Infront of them why were they even here is the only thang i could think about ... Intill DJ jazzy came an brought me a shot I thru it back an He turnt up the music & i guess he new what song too Play because Jeremiah song Woosah Played !!

 Intill DJ jazzy came an brought me a shot I thru it back an He turnt up the music & i guess he new what song too Play because Jeremiah song Woosah Played !!

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I grabbed the pole an swung around it, perfectly I then took off my see thru cover up I guess everyone was amazed by figure. But Shit they should be I worked hard too get this booty an this Body After I had my son Carter !! I flashed every body a smile !!

I climbed the pole all the way too the Top an hit a split on the ceiling an Popped my booty too the beat !! Then I dropped all the way from the ceiling too the ground , people where throwing money left an right I did a couple of flips an stood on my head pop one cheek at time I let a couple people touch me !! It had too be this Molly an liquor kicking in cause you could of swore I was a pro the way my body groves an moved too each beat not missing a step it was so much money being thrown i couldn't wait too count it up!!! 💲💲💲💲💲💲 I had one more song too work thru an then I was done !! But I had too do a lap dance for my last performance!!

I didn't care who it was I had DJ Jazzy pick the guy, the dude who walked up on stage was this Kat Name Taron I use too see him a couple times I just thought he was some big time gangster he use too eye me down but never would say nothing to me !! Sugar new him real good I never questioned how tho!! I use to hear story's about him.. i new he had money but that's not a Kat that u want too get caught up with too tell you the truth!! I look him up an down an man was he fine !!

He set in the Chair an I stood beside him, I told DJ Jazzy too turn the heat up with something fire !! He looked at me an smiled
He played reverse Cow girl by Tpain , I swung my leg around Taron an set in his lap facing him an road him like my life depended on it. I didn't really know if he was enjoying it ... He was expressionless so I thru every trick I could think of, I could hear everyone clapping along with money be thrown at me I got off him an did a flip backwards into his lap an slid down to the ground, an thru myself in a split .. I was a thick girl but I new how too move my body in everyway possible I stood him up an told him I need him too catch Me he shook his head ok !! I ran to him he caught me an I wrapped around his body like a snake, putting my pussy in his face an sliding down to the point my hands are touching the ground an I do a flip off of him an stick the landing I make him feel on my ass !!at this point I still don't know if he enjoying it but the song came too a End I took a bough !!! An walked off the stage .. someone collected all my money for me into two big ass trash bags !!
I had them bring it too my locker room !! As I was changing into my regular close sugar came in Clapping I laughed at him!!

Sugar: I told you baby girl all you had too do was wow them an look at all that money you made all the money you making me !! I told your cousin you was something special !!

Me: yah I appreciate the opportunity!!
Sugar: after you leave here what you got plan??
Me: I got too go pick up my son from his Grandma Crib then I guess get some rest in till Sunday Night when I got to come back in!

Sugar: you sure you can't hang with us tonight ??
Me: I wish but motherly duties call !!
Sugar: Ok Hope I'll see you Sunday then.

He walked over and gave me a Kiss on my foehead!! Then left the dressing room

I didn't feel like counting the money so I grabbed the two bags after I got done getting dress an headed thru the back door too my Car!!
I tied the bags an put them in the trunk!!

When I shut the trunk, the devil him self was standing Infront on my Car Monroe & his Home boys !! I walked to the driver side too try too get in, but one of his home boys caught me by the arm and snatch my keys from me !!

Man, Monroe what do you want ??

Monroe: so you thought you was just going too sneek out of hea with out me knowing !!
Me: I won't trying too sneek, an tell Deja an her groupies which ever one you fucking they need too mind they damn business.

Monroe walks over too me an grabs me by my throat!!

Monroe: stop fucking playing with me Hope. Where's my money ??
Me: I ain't got none for you. I take care of your son with no help from you !!

I said between tears, you choking me an I can't breath. He Lets me go
He then tells Niño to go in my Trunk an grab one of my bags full of money!!

I just sit there because right now it's nothing I can do!!!
Please don't take that I have to pay the rent an my car note an get stuff for Carter !!

Monroe: I'll get him some stuff don't worry about it!!
Me: I don't need you too get shit for him I got it just give me my fucking money back I earned that shit ..

He slapped me so hard I spit blood from my mouth!😣

Monroe: remember were you came from an remember who made you !! Your mine an that ain't changing !!😉 Now gt on your knees an ask for my forgiveness

Me: Monroe I'm not doing all of that like. Why can't you just go you got the money just leave ok !!

That moment he started punching me in my face he thru me too the ground an kicked me in my ribs I didn't want too fight back it always got worse when i did .. so I let him continue intill he was finish !! He thru some paper towels at me an told me to clean myself up!!
His friends just watched while he beat me they did nothing !! I hated them for it I set beside my car on the ground an watched them walk to there cars !!! I see the girl Deja run over too Monroe an kiss on him!! It didn't make me mad I just didn't understand why he treat me the way that he do!! I watch them ride off before trying too get up I weigh my options cause I can't go pick Carter up looking like this it'll just make Monroe's mom ask me questions!! But I know she has too work toma so my best bet is too text her an ask her if she can just drop him off to me in the morning !! Yah that's the best way I suppose I'll text her as soon as I get in the house...

I stood too my feet but not with out stumbling a little bit when I turnt around to try too get in my car me and his eyes met!!! There he was starring me in my face .........

Tooooo be continued.......,.

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