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Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring

Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring

Ughhhhhhhhh, Hello !!😏

Voice: Wake, up Girl I've been outside beeping the horn for damn near 20mins!!

Me: ooh, shoot damn Mrs.Raven I didn't hear my Phone!! Can you bring him to the door please I am so sorry !

Mrs.Raven: I'm kumn up Now!!

Me: ok

I hang up the phone an slip on some sweats an my slippers & walk too the front door!

Peaches you need too wake up, or go home 😏

Peaches: girl hush I'm up chill stop talking so loud!!

I open the front door so Mrs.Raven can come in !!

Hey mommy stinky man, my son eyes light up when he sees me!!
I grab him out her arms an give so many kisses !!
I can tell he as happy too see me like I am too see him!!
You've been a good boy for Nana !!
He smiles at me !!

Hey mommy stinky man, my son eyes light up when he sees me!!I grab him out her arms an give so many kisses !!I can tell he as happy too see me like I am too see him!!You've been a good boy for Nana !!He smiles at me !!

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Mrs.Raven: Hope what happen too your face

She camly says before shutting the front door

I try too avoid the question, by talking too Carter who is Squirming in my arms too get down !! I set him down an he walks too the back room !!

Mrs.Raven: my son did this didn't he !!

By now Peaches is up all in grill looking at my face!!

Peaches:, why didn't you say something when you came in last night

Me: look I appreciate the concern you guys but I'm ok it's not like my face hasn't looked worse !!

Mrs.Raven: I'ma talk too him, but Hope you can't keep letting him do this to you he's my son an I love him bit me nore his father raised him too be this way!!

Me: Mrs.raven I appreciate everything you do for me an Carter but I would rather you just leave it alone. You will only make it worse please I will be ok!!

Peaches :, no hope enough is enough this is the last time he will ever do this to u if I have anything to do with it!!

Me: look just stay out of my business I am ok I just made him mad that's all...

She pulled some in too a tight hug,and whispered in my ear !!

Mrs.raven: Hope you hold on too the strength you got left I love you an my grandson !! Hopefully when his brother stop by too see me when i get off he can talk some sense in to him!!

Me: wait, what when did RonRon get out ??

Mrs.Raven: a couple months ago, I forgot by time you and Monroe got together RonRon was already locked up!! Matter fact I got a recent picture of them too that Monroe had sent me ...

She pulls out her phone an I swear my mouth felt like it dropped off my face.

Me: That's Taron from the club the Guy I use too hear about from the other girls in the club !! I just met him Last night, I don't think he new who I was !!

Mrs.raven: yah he texted me out he blue an asked if he could see the baby !! I told him I had too ask you first!!

Me: Mrs. Raven it's ok I guess he's never done anything wrong too me I don't even know the guy but if you trust him around Carter then I'm ok with it!! I'll stop by your house later on too bring him!!

Mrs.raven: ok just promise you will keep your head up Baby !!

Me: I will

she gave me a kiss on the cheek an gave Peaches a hug an left out the door!!

Carter I yell out, he comes running from the bed room I sit on the opposite catch from Peaches !! I pick my son up an sit him on my lap he is so handsome he looks just like Monroe his eyes are so beautiful an he has soft pretty hair !!

I guess you gave nana a hard time with your hair because it's in a messy Hair Bun !!

He reaches for Peaches !!
She scoops him up in her arms, I swear they had a unbreakable bond sense he was inside my womb!! It's so cute Peaches had a daughter a couple months after I had Carter her name is Skylar ... Her an Carter were as thick as thieves an some bad ass one year olds ...

Peaches: so what you gonna do about your face. You know you can't show up too work toma like that ,!!

Me: yah I know I might just take a couple days off !!

Peaches: seriously do we need to tell your mom

Me: hell no you already how she is she been have had Tay & Dareell, Gergio, Evan, Kenny beat the shit out of them an that just 5 of my brother's seriously.. I can handle my own situation !!

Peaches : alryte if you say so

I watched her as she continued too play with Carter, I head too the bathroom too grab Carter hair products so I can do his hair !! I new it wouldn't be easy cause he like to act a mess when I'm trying too do !! But I know he not going too sleep no time soon !!

So I turn on SpongeBob an give give his cheeto puffs an sit him between my legs an start platting his hair !!
A Hour later
I'm done an he is fast a sleep .. Peaches in the shower so u don't leave him in the front room I take him an lay him on my bed !! I unlock my closet door an grabbed at 400 dollars off the shelf 💲💲💲 an go sit in on the dresser !! I grabbed my Tru region jeans an my bulls Jersey and thru on my clothes !!

I grab my purse an out the money in my bag, I Grab the new diaper bag I got for Carter an stuff his pampers and Wipes in there an a extra pair of clothes !!

I change his clothes while he sleeping, Bulls Jersey an his sweat band an out his earrings in this ear an his Jesus price on him an the sweat bands on his wrist with his balling shorts an his Red Retro's J's I motioned him down an made sure he had a fresh pamper on I grab his car seat out the closet before shutting my door an locking it .. I out on my J's an out him in his car seat .. I walk to the front too prepare a juice bottle an another bottle with water already in it I walk back too my room an put it in the diaper bag.. I grab the diaper bag an car seat I along with my purse an head to the front.. I yelled too the back too tell my Cousin too lock up when she leave.. I didn't even attempt too put makeup on my face . I'm just happy that my eye an lip went down the swelling anyway I still had a black eye an my lip wasn't healed yet !!

I take the car seat down stairs an secure him in the car an jump in the driver seat too shoot too Norview!!! So Carter can see his daddy I never kept Carter away from him .. but It was times where I thought that should . But unfortunately Carter loves his dad as much as he loves me even tho he doesn't see him as much as he should .. he's a baby he doesn't know any better or what's going on!! I'm just great fun that my son is a happy kid !!

It takes me 20mins too pull up too Monroe's crib and as usual he has people in an out of it like it's a drug house !!!

I wake Carter up an take him out his Car seat he looks so annoyed with me but he is big enough too walk!! So I out him down and hold his hand an I spot Monroe standing outside Carter let go of my hand an flew towards his daddy who spotted us before so even got out the car.. he picked Carter up an kissed him on his forehead!!

It was moments like this that I cherished but I new it wouldn't last forever !!

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