Before i self-destruct 🤯🤬

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UGH, MY HEAD HURTS  soo fucking bad, everything is blur but I'll never for get what they did too me.. I don't deserve none if this of what I be being put thru and I've just about had it with any one !!!

I lay there  on my bed cover with semen all over me and a needle I'm my are, wdf did they do to me !!

My body is in so much pain Ugh, I scream out..
I roll on to the floor and crawl towards my dresser were my pain killers are, I take at least 4 out the bottle an pop them shytes !!!
I give myself time too get my strength back before trying too stand up !!
As I get up i think about when they broke down my closet door, I look over at my closet an it's fucked up I move he broken pieces too reveal that all my money is Gone it's nothing in hea over 200 grand is gone !!

Wdf, please tell me Monroe didn't do this to me man!! 🙏🏽
I'm praying he didn't do this to me I have no money at all everything is gone few !!
That was the last straw , I move my mattress off the box spring  and  go to the kitchen too get a knife I come back an I take thru the box spring revealing 50gs Stacked in 50's an 100 dollar bills  ..
But the first thin I grab is my 45  I put this away years ago because I didn't want too go back to my old ways I out that stuff to the side when I had Carter but I see I have too show them that they forgot who I am !!!

I make sure my 45 I locked an loaded before getting in the shower I try too wash all my sins away but I know I can't and that's what makes me more angrier I can feel myself slowly ready to self Destruct!!
These Niggas really think I lost my touch because I had a baby but ive been playing nice because of my son.. but I don't have him anymore an nothing is stopping me from killing all of them !!  Including Monroe

But see I'm not going to kill him ima tak his territory from him an I don't care who gets in my way !! First my son an now my money those are two things I just can't let go of !!

I get out the shower an throw my hair in a pony tail an toss on my pink sweat suit  an 1s  I grab my pain killers an toss them in the bag with my money in it  and I put my 45 in its holster  I set the bags by the door not before grabbing my picture books with all me an Carter PICTURES in it !!! I go in the closet an grab the bottle of gasoline  I pour it all thru the apartment!!

I thru the jug in the floor when I'm finish with it , I light me cigarette an walk out the door before closing the door I thru the cigarette in the apartment an watch the whole thang catch on fire I shut the door behind me an walk down stairs !!

I walk to the pay phone with my bag on my back an call 911 !!!

I walk further down the street as I watch them arrive on the scene!! I out my shades on an walk down the street with my thumb out 19 mins later a man stops Infront of me so I hop in !!

So sweet thang were are you going?? He ask

I need too get dropped off at a car dealer ship!! Any one is fine

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