Lord forgive me 4 my Sins🙏🏾

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I'm speeding down the highway towards Ms.raven house I want my son and I'm determined too get him by all means !!!
Don't take me long too pull up there I'm hea within 15mins tops!!!

Ding Ding Ding
(Takes her forever too answer the door)
Hey, Hope how you been!!

I've been ok !! I tell'er

She don need to know whats been going on between me an her son, plus I know she love him enough to tell him what's up with me!! I don't need her barking up that tree just yet any way I'll shoot her if I have too!!

Look Ms Raven I cam to pick up Carter !!

Why, it's not the weekend yet !! (She stares blankly at me)

Because I want my son an I don't mean no disrespect but your not his mother he's my responsibility!!

Well I'm sorry Hope, but you can't take him No offense he is not safe with you!!

Wait, hold on I don't think I heard you correctly what did you say???

At that moment the Raven I new was replace by a cold hearted person she didn't even have a glimps of light in her eyes any more !!

You can't take him she starts (screaming at me) I'll be damn if I let you turn him in to the person his father is I made that mistake once I won't make that mistake twice Do you hea me!! I understand my son now your so damn disobedient you just can't admit defeat !! Keep playing an I will have the police thru u under the jail an you will never see your son again. So I suggest you go head about your business intill it's your time too get him!!!

She slames the door in my face🙏🏽 , so now I'm pissed and angry an im irritated because people don't seen to get it but I guess I got to show them better then I can tell them !!

This time I kick the door 5 times before it flies off its hinges!!
I walk in with my 45 drawn !!!

Ms.raven I'm not going to ask you again give me my son !!

She appears from the kitchen with a 9 pulled out pointing it directly at me!! This old hag got balls !!

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She appears from the kitchen with a 9 pulled out pointing it directly at me!!
This old hag got balls !!

So look let's duke this out the old fashion way Kool!!

So we throw down the guns on the floor an start fighting !! For a old women she fast as hell but she ain't got nothing on me !!
I'm bobbing weaving she connect's too my face a couple of times but I throw her into a Wall an then Two Piece her she runs for her gun, but I'm too quick for her I grab mine an bust it at her !! Hitting her in the middle of her forehead she falls against the wall an her body slumps down to the floor !!
I check her pulse but I seen her life leave her body wen she took that last breath!!
Smh, I won't trying too kill her, but I really ain't have no choice because she would if kilt me !!
I run up stairs an all around the house looking for my son, but hes not any were in hea !! Wdf I hope she did not give him too Monroe who knows what he doing around him !!

Shit, shit, shit Fuck man!!

I run out the door too my car an speed off !!! It's late an I hope ain't nobody hea all the noise but 9 times out of ten they probably did !!!
I'll worry about that later tho!
I pull up too Monroe's house, I sit there for second thinking of my next move an how I want too play it!!

After sitting here for 20mins I finally get out the car with my gun in my hand !! I walk up to the door an the first person that answer I put a bullet thru they skull !! I walk in an every body is screaming an are in disbelief.

I'm back Bitches I said with si much anger in my tone even the dead would be scared!
I see one of the guys that rapped me I shoot him at least three time his body slumps over !! Hear come Deja running down stairs trying to see what's going on an she sees me with blood all over me , I aim the gun at her 😂.

Where's my son??

At first she doesn't answer me so I look to my left an one of her home girls sitting there at the bar i shoot them in the leg!!

They scream out in so much pain an agony.


I'm not going to ask you again next one is In her skull!! .

He's up stairs with his Dad

Ok so why he send you down hea!!!

Idk she crys out!!

I yell for Monroe too come down stairs !!

He comes running with Carter in his arm !!

Yo, hope wdf did you do to my people !! Man

What did i do too your people do you know what you did to me , do you know what they did to me !! Why am I asking you like you don't already fucking know you clown !! You also took my mother fucking money the whole 500 gs!!!
I want it back now Monroe !!💲💲💲

Put Carter down now Monroe !! He do as he's told with his hands up !!

I tell Carter too come hea , he walks over too me !!
I grab his hand an turn to walk away but Monroe said some shit that pissed me off !! Even more

We had fun rapping your stupid ass I hope you die you cunt ass bitch!!

Those words cut me so deep I turned around an rang bullets into Deja body she fail back on to the stairs with blood draining from her body!!

I kilt yo mama too, come to find out I couldn't trust that bitch either an now you have to live with these choices for the rest of your life Monroe you deserve to live for that!!

I picked my son up an walk out the door !! As I'm walking to my car Taron is walking up an he looking at me like he just seen a ghost !!

He stops me but I don't even hesitate before I aim the gun at him!!
I lost everything because of you an that dead beat in there !! Y'all will know I feel too loose everything!!

Hope Wait what are you talking about !!??

ask the man you call your brother??

I walk away an get in my car an speed off!!

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