Dinner Dysfunction

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Dinner Dysfunction

Beth sat by the window all day, watching Daryl slave away on the roof of the barn, while Daddy supervised and talked to Daryl's boss. Maggie and Glenn have been outside most of the day with the horses and in the fields, while Annette watches Beth closely. Something about her has been off all day, but she can't pin point what.

"Dinner's gonna be done in half an hour. We're having homemade spaghetti and meatballs. Does Daryl like that?" Her mom walks over and stares out the window with her.

"Uhm, probably. I mean, he's Daryl. He's not exactly picky when it comes to things." Beth sees Hershel call Daryl down from the roof. Right as he takes a step on the ladder, it gives away and he's hanging from the roof. "Holy Shit! Daryl!!" Annette and Beth run from the house, down to the barn. Hershel, Shawn, Daryl's boss, and Maggie an Glenn are already there. The wooden ladder he was using had broke in two from the crash.

"Uhm, if y'all could just step back that'd be great." Daryl says as he eyes the twenty foot drop onto hard dirt.

"We'll figure something out son! Jus' don't you worry. Can you try to get back up?" Hershel calls from the ground. Daryl rolls his eyes. He tries to swim his leg up onto the roof, but almost looses his grip.

"That's a negative Ghost-rider." Everyone is still panicked. "Ya maybe have another ladder?" Daryl is surprisingly calm for hanging off the roof. The metal siding is cutting into his hands and drops of blood hit the ground below. Everyone can see it. Beth is in a panic. It figures the first boyfriend she really loves is gonna die the first time meeting her family by falling off their barn roof. Not to mention the father of her unborn baby.

"No, man! We only brought one today." Says Charlie who is just as panicked as Beth. Mostly cause Daryl is on his benefits of the company and this could be bad if Daryl gets badly hurt.

"Then y'all step back." Daryl yells and everyone does. Beth feels so sick to her stomach. He has no other option than to let go. He does and he hits the ground hard after hitting his feet and dropping back to the dirt. Beth is the first one at his side. His hands are cut and bleeding pretty bad. He has a legit rock in his head and his ankle is burning in pain. Shawn and Charlie help him up.

"Crazy son bitch!"Charlie yells and everyone just stares.

"Who only brings one ladder!" Shawn retorts in a pissed off mood. "Let's just get em inside." They carry him to the house and set him on the couch.

"Daryl? You okay? What hurts?" Beth asks as she kneels in front of him.

"Jus' my hands and head. Ankle a bit, but I think it's fine." Daryl says through gritted teeth as he unclenches his hands. Hershel comes in with his medical bag, even though he's a vet.

"Let me see yer ankle first." Beth rolls up his pant legs an they can see it's slightly swollen.

"Looks like a sprain. You'll be fine baby." Beth says and kisses his knuckles. "Dad can I have some wraps and alcohol, while you wrap his ankle?"

Hershel doesn't even hesitate to give her what she wants. She pours the alcohol over his hands until it stops bubbling. Then she dries them and wraps them in the medical gauze. Looking at his head, she asks for tweezers and she tries to gently pull the rock out. Daryl doesn't scream or squirm in pain. He just winces. Once she gets it out she puts alcohol on it and does a small wrap around his head just in case.

"Terribly sorry ya got hurt today." Hershel says in shame. "I only hope, you can forgive us."

"Why are you sorry? I was the one who placed the ladder and caused it to fall." Daryl says as he looks at his hands.

"Still feel bad on account it was my barn."

"Ah, it's fine Mr. Greene. Just glad it wasn't forty feet to a bed of nails." He then laughs and Beth can see that they are kinda-ish bounding. How the Hell are they gonna keep this going if they tell him that she's pregnant.

Annette looks at them and smiles. Beth is now sitting on the couch beside him, holding his hand and giving small kisses on his temple. Then she sees it. The glow. She says nothing about it, but goes to the kitchen to cook dinner. Maggie and Glenn talk to Daryl about work and Beth heads to the kitchen to help her mom.

"How's it going? Need any help?" Beth grabs the bread and starts garlicing the bread slices.

"No, but how are you doing?" Annette says as she grab the dried noodles and places them in the boiling water.

"Um, I'm good. Just getting over Daryl almost dieing!" She places the bread on a pan and puts them in the oven. Annette starts rolling the meat for meatballs and Beth almost gags, so she looks away.

"Nauseous are we?" Her mom keeps rolling the meat and smiles, knowing she got her.

"Uh... you know I'm a vegetarian..." Even though she isn't any more.

"Oh. Or is it cause you're pregnant?" Beth stops and feels dead. How did she know that?"

"I... How?"

"You're glowing baby. I thought something was different when you got here. Seeing you with him and smiling and giving small kisses, I see it better now. I know you're pregnant, so don't try ta lie to me." Beth faces her mom now and wants to cry. "Does he know?"

"Yes. We found out yesterday." Beth wipes her eyes and looks at Daryl and Maggie and her dad laughing. "You can't tell Daddy! He won't approve! I'm gonna tell him, but I don't how to."

"I won't. But you need too. He may be angry at first, but he'll love it. Mainly cause he's a softy." She hugs Beth and then tells her to go get Daryl a shower.

Taking him up to the shower, Beth is nervous about this whole thing. They get to the bathroom and Beth hands Daryl a pair of Shawn's clothes.

"Everything okay, baby?" Daryl brushes a strand of hair from her face and has his other hand on her waist.

"Mama knows." She quietly says.

"What?" Daryl confusedly asks.

"About me bein' pregnant." Just as she say it, Hershel passes the door and over hears it in the hallway. He's pissed off, until he hears the rest of the conversation.

"Baby, you know we were gonna have to tell em eventually."

"I know. I'm jus' scared of Daddy. I don't wan him to be disappointed. I really love you and I want this baby, but I don't want it, if Daddy's gonna be ashamed and hate me." Daryl sees Hershel in the doorway and almost shits his pants.

"Beth..." She turns in fear to see her dad standing there.

"Daddy... I'm... I'm so sorry." She runs into his arms and he holds her close. Daryl is only scared about what's gonna happen to his relationship with Beth.

"Baby, don't be sorry. I'm not mad or ashamed. A little mad, you didn't tell me straight out, but I'd never punish you for grandchildren. Even if I don't know this fellow. I do know he really cares about you and that's justified." Beth holds him tighter and he kisses the top of her head. Daryl nervously plays with his fingers, getting that from Beth now. "Come're son. This is a happy moment."

Daryl hesitantly walks over to Hershel and Beth. Hershel pulls him into the hug too and then congratulates them. Inside he's very mad, but wants Beth to feel safe and happy.

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