Too Much

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Too Much

He's waited for hours. Hours upon hours, standing, kneeling, praying, cursing, crying, and shocked- too many hours and too many emotions fill Daryl up. Waiting in hospitals are his least favorite thing in the world. Primarily because nothin good comes from waiting in hospitals.

When he was seven and he and Merle got the call that his mom was in a car accident, that was the longest day of his life. He and Merle got a ride from a neighbor an they waited and waited. Hoping, praying, and cursing that their father should be there supporting them. He never showed up. He plainly didn't care. Being a seven year old boy and having a doctor come out and tell you your mother's dead, is the hardest thing to hear. Merle turned cold after that; Daryl, bitter. Since that day, he never got close to women, except for the occasional fuck or well yeah, fuck. And when he met Beth, well he wanted it to be the same way. Just a fuck. But being the angel she is, she got to him. Turned him good and taught him better.

Now standing again, in the same hospital his mother died in. In the same waiting room he waited hours in. Daryl waits or the news of another woman he loves, hoping and praying and cursing, that she'll be just fine.

"Mr. Dixon." Michone comes out in a cover up robe and gloves. There's blood on her. Blood that makes him sick. Blood, he knows belongs to Beth. His light headedness comes back and the lights go out. "I need a gurney stat! We gotta fainter!"

..........................2 Hours Later...............................

He jerks awake and finds himself in a hospital bed. IV in his arm, still fully clothed. What the hell happened? Where am I? Shit! Beth! He sits up but feels a hand calmly stroke his arm.

"Lay down, you need to rest."

"Merle? When? How'd you know I was here?" Daryl slowly sits up and looks at him. He looks tired as all hell. Granted, it's about 12:00 at night.

"They called me. Said ya passed out. Saw Hershel on the way in. Had a chat." He sits back in his chair and just stares at his little brother.

"How's Beth? Did you see her?" Sitting up too fast he becomes dizzy and lays back down.

"She fine. Jus recoverin'. Hershel's with er. Carol and Sophia are in the Cafeteria getting us somethin' to eat."

"How ya two goin, anyway?" Daryl hasn't seen Carol since he was just out of high school.

"Well certainly ain't waiting any more for things. Life's too damn short for that. Asked er to marry me."

"What'd she say?"

"I obviously said yes." Carol walks in with semi short gray hair, a tray of food, and an adorable little red haired girl. "it's nice to see you again Daryl. Daryl, this is my daughter Sophia. Sophia, this is Merle's brother, Daryl."

"Hi." She shyly says while running over to sit on Merle's lap.

"Ain't she cute. It's nice seeing y'all again." Daryl sits up slowly and swings out over the bed.

"Brudder, don't think ya should do that." Grabbing onto his IV stand he slowly walks out of the room and to the nurses station.

"Can you tell me, where Beth Greene is?" His breath is almost completely gone. The nurse checks some charts and then points him in the direction he needs to go. Shuffling down there, a familiar voice followed by a hand lands on his shoulder.

"You should take it easy. She's fine." Turning around, Daryl finds Maggie and Glenn behind him. Maggie still has her hand on his muscular shoulder. "Let me help ya at least."

She helps Daryl get to Beth's room. When he does, Beth immediately sits up and looks happy and scared.

"Daryl! Are you okay? I've been worried!" Maggie gets him next to Beth in a chair and he instantly grabs her hand and kisses it over and over again. "Daryl?"

"I was so worried. I was so scared, Beth. You okay? Ya alright?" He checks her over and she just looks at him like he's crazy. Maggie, finds it sweet.

"Daryl, I'm fine. They said you passed out and hit yer head. You shouldn't be up and walking around..."

"I love you."

"Daryl, I know, but you can't be doing stuff like that. You're gone get...."

"Marry me?" She shakes her head confused. He lowers himself to one knee an reaches in his pocket. The Greene's and Rhee's just stare at him like he's crazy. He pulls out her ring and holds it to her.

"Daryl, It's..."

"Beth, marry me. Time is too short and too precious to let it just slip by us like it's nothing. I'n tired of waiting for the right moment or for things I can't control. Beth, I knew for a long time, that you're the only one I want to be with. Will you marry me?" Looking her deep in her eyes, he sees panic and joy and frustration. Was it the best idea asking her in a hospital, in front of her family? Probably not. But he doesn't care. He loves her and he wants her.

Everyone looks at him and then Beth. The silence grows and he fears it's a no. She tugs on his hand and he stands up, supporting himself on his IV stand.

"Well... I guess if yer not answering, I know the answer already." He places the ring in her hand and folds it up. He shuffles to the door and looks back before exiting. She's just sitting there, looking at the ring in her hand.

When he gets to the door ad into the hallway, he lets his tears roll. Too much. Too fast. Too late? Why is it he can't get anything right. Why is it hard for him to make her love him?

Too much for sure. Just too much.

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