It Should've Been Said

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It Should've Been Said

Daryl left this morning, giving a sleeping Beth a kiss and for a moment gazing at her small stomach. In eight and a half months, their world would change. He can't believe it. every time he passes the fridge now, all he'll see is that saunagram. The first ever picture of their baby boy or girl, which will soon turn into birthday pictures, christmas, drawn pictures report cards, everything he never had growing up.

"Mmm. Daryl?" He freezes and looks as Beth rubs her eyes with the back of her hand and looks at him.

"Go back to sleep, baby. I gotta go to work. I'll see ya after yer dad's. Probably late, so if yer tired, don't wake up okay?" She nods her head and he goes to leave.


"What?" He turns back around and he has her hands extended out from her body.

"Don't I get a goodbye hug an kiss?"

"Of course you do." He kisses her and gives her a big hug.

"Don't forget the baby..."

"Of course not." He leans over again and kisses her stomach through her shirt and then kisses her again and ten leaves.

After finally waking up and getting ready, Beth is walking to her truck when she realizes something. She's pregnant. But not only that, but with a guys baby she only knew for five weeks. And tonight they both were supposed to be having dinner at her dad's, but Daryl had to work. How is she going to explain all this in one dinner.

She drives through the country side and feels slightly better as the June breeze hits her face. She's missed the country so much. Living in Atlanta at her apartment sucks. When she lives with Daryl it's better cause she's not alone, and she's somewhere away from civilization.

As she approaches the house, she sees Maggie's car and Shawn's. Her mom is in the garden and Hershel, attending the horses. She pulls in and parks by the barn. Mainly cause she doesn't mind the long walk, it calms her and gives her time to think. She gets to the porch and Annette runs up an hugs her. Maggie smiles and Shawn, who just got back from Syria, gets up an hugs Beth also.

"So nice to see you." Beth can feel how strong her step brother is. He's toned and muscled and she never imagined he'd be likely that.

"Nice to see you too! Heard a lot bout this mystery man you be datin'. Where he at?" Shawn releases Beth.

"Yeah, dad said he was coming." Maggie says, and they turn as they hear Hershel talking to someone as they come around the side of the house. Beth's eyes go wide as she sees who it is.

"And that's why the barn is in poor condition. Beth yer home! Everyone, I'd like you to meet the new member of my contractor's team. This is Daryl. He'll be here working on the barn with the others for the next few days." Daryl stares blankly at Beth. He didn't know this was her daddy's farm. Maggie smirks and gives a low laugh at the sight if those two staring at each other. "Beth, I thought yer new friend was coming tonight fer dinner?"

"Uhm, Daddy..." Beth tries to say, but Annette started saying something about the barn. And then Hershel is holding Daryl's shoulder and saying things about work ethics. and Beth can't get a word in edge wise. "Daddy!"

"Yes??" He's startled by Beth's yell.

"Daryl is my boyfriend. He was supposed to come to dinner but he got this new contracting job and couldn't make it. He never said it was you. And it is you so here you are. Daryl." Beth goes over and hooks her arm around his and he feels uncomfortable because he only just met Hershel and the family.

"This is yer' friend?" Hershel points to Daryl. Almost less impressed with her dating him than him being new to contracting...technically new.

"My boyfriend yes. Daryl this is my Daddy, Hershel. Daddy, this is Daryl."

"Well then, guess ya better get started on the barn if ya wanna take a shower and make it to dinner later." Hershel seems less than impressed with him now. the others follow Hershel inside besides Beth.

"It should've been said, where you were working! You didn't know?" Beth lightly punches him in the arm.

"They jus' gave me an address! They didn't tell me the name of the people or anything." he leans closer so not to yell.

"Well, guess you'll be gettin' to know him better these next few days." Beth plays with a button on his flannel.

"Guess so. I'll see ya in a bit. Gotta get to work."

"Yeah, I'll see ya at dinner." She kisses him and leaves into the house. He smiles an walks to the barn.

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