Fleeting Judgement

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Fleeting Judgement

Judgement is a funny thing. You can judge others, ideas, feelings, things, or yourself. But with fleeting judgement, often leads you to misinterpretations of what you think you may want. Or what you normally wouldn't do. Beth, though not usually judgmental of others, finds herself analyzing everyone she passes.

Ever since that redneck made himself present in her mind, he hasn't stopped comparing everything to him. For instance, the sky isn't as blue as his eyes. The wind doesn't carry a brusk masculine smell like he does. Doctor's voices aren't as gruff as his.

Everything in her mind runs back to him. It's as if he's a hypnotist or a cobra player. He's mystical to her. A spell bounding whirlwind that pulses a thought through her hound mind that ceases to leave.

"You okay, Bethy?" Annette Greene, the second wife to Hershel, pushes back the hair that has escaped from Beth's pony tail and fallen to the side if her face.

"Uh, yeah. Just thinking about someone." Her monotone voice spikes at the thought if Daryl. She doesn't even know him and yet he is significant to her emotions.

"Oh, no. That can be bad. Who's this someone you thinkin' bout? Not that Zach again. Or that Jimmy?" Her mom never approved of them, even before he found out how they greater Beth. Annette knows the heart of Beth- fragile, overt, always putting others before herself- dangerous things for a young woman who wants the world.

"No! It's someone I met at work. A patient from the other night."

"Oh! Mr. Gentleman! Yes, do go on! I want I hear this one." Her mom props herself up on her elbows on the kitchen table and listens intently. Beth knows Maggie already told her what she knew. Damn that Margret for telling secret things.


"Well? Who is he?"

"His names Daryl. And he was just nice. Nothing more than that. I don't get why y'all make a big deal over things that mean nothing."

"LIAR!" A pointing index finger almost touches Beth's nose. Annette has a huge smile on her face.

"I'm not LYING!" Her defensive side shines through brightly and her mom sits back in her chair, arms crossed smirking. "Why are you smirking!"

"Better question. Why you blushin' if this is nothin'." Beth's mouth drops. She doesn't know why she keeps blushing when she thinks of him. It certainly never was like this when she dated Jimmy or Zach. Why was Daryl, who she barely knows, such a big deal.

"I don't know. I've apparently been blushin' a lot lately." Trying to act nonchalant, Beth get's up and pours er self more lemonade in her glass. Taking a sip, she true to think I terrible things so she can stop blushing.

"Is that when you think of him? Is that when all this happens?" Annette takes a night of a sugar roll and then sits back against the chair. Beth sits down in defeat.

"I can't help it! Lately, he's the only thing I've been thinkin' about! Which I don't understand, cause I barely know him and we only talked a short while!"

"Honey, maybe what cha feelin' is yer' heart tellin' ya to get back out there. Sure ya might stumble an fall, but least you'll know yer' ready. And maybe yer' heart's tellin' ya to try this Daryl guy out. That's all ya gotta do. Try."

"What if he's not what I think he is?"

"He may be and he may not be. Sugar yer' gonna have to jus' try if ya wanna get the ball rollin'. Don't let yer' fleetin' judgment put you in a terrible place though. Be smart."

That's all she can rely on in many cases.

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