A New Thing to Try

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A New Thing to Try

The average work day casts itself boring, in Beth's eyes. Working in the Atlanta General Hospital was supposed to be her claim to great feelings, a nice pay check and some kind of glorifying moment. Sadly, it so far has consisted of bed pans overflowing, vulgar smelling hobos, the occasional fight breaking out, but above all the male erection from her presence.

Yes, Beth is pretty, some may say a fallen angel from heaven in her gorgeous beauty, but to have to deal with an erection in her face while trying to do her job, is discerning. She feels at this rate she is practically a stripper only this job pays less.

Her whole life she wanted to be a nurse. Helping people is just satisfying for her, but looking back at it, she would've been just as satisfied working with her dad in his Veterinarian Clinic. But she told herself, working with people is more helpful, probably a lie looking at it now.

"Greene, motorcycle accident in 309! Get 'em cleaned up and prepped for surgery." Michone, her friend and superior nurse, addresses her in an irritated rushed tone.

"Alright." Walking over to 309's door, she grab the clipboard.

"Name: Daryl Michael Dixon

Age: 30

Residential Code: 3987 Georgia

Purpose for Clinical: Motor Accident

Injuries: Three partial cracked ribs:right side, Internal bleeding, possible concussion. Hairline fracture to the Tibia."

Beth, adjusting her stethoscope opens the door and is in shock at the damage. The man's face and open chest is hardly visible under the dry blood that is scathed across his body. His hair is just as steeped with blood and bruises all over his body along with road burn. This is by far the worst patient she has had to take care of. Setting the clipboard down, she picks up a pan of water and rubbing alcohol mix and a sponge.

She slowly wipes his arms and his chest that has small speckles of light, almost non-existent, hair. Sponging off the blood reveals a small tattoo "Norma" on his chest. On his right arm another one of a blue winged demon is on his bicep. She's shocked she couldn't see them before from all the blood. She finally is able to clean his face off. His facial hair is stained red. She tries to get all of it out, it's a tidiest task, but it is shortly accomplished.

At one point she can't help but place a hand gently on his cheek. Without warning a rough calloused hand comes up to cover her's. She doesn't move or make a sound, but her breath catching in her throat. His eyes open and gaze into her sparkling sapphire ones.She's never seen such deep blue eyes that still have a glimmer of brightness in them.

"Yer' an angel? This Heaven? Hell. Didn't think, I'd make it in." Beth blushes and slightly pulls her hand from under his slowly. He releases a sigh and blinks his eyes so he adjusts to the light.

"Yer' not gone Mr. Dixon. You've been in a bad accident. I'm just a nurse, cleaning you up for surgery." She gets up and places the sponge back in the pan and starts folding his clothes that some male nurse sprawled half-assed on the chair. She folds his black jeans that have a few small holes in them, a cut off button down red plaid shirt, that's blood stained and lastly reaches for a leather vest. She goes to fold it, but stitching on the back catches her grasp and calls her to flip it over an study it.

"Too bad I ain't dead. Already got my angel wings ready." A frail finger points to the white stitched wings on the vest and Beth folds it ever so gently and places it in a bag with his name on it.

"Take good care of yer' clothes. We're gonna get 'em washed for ya." She goes to leave and he calls her back.

"What's cha name, Blondie?" She laughs and shows her name tag. "Beth. Take care now."

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