Chapter Four: I Maybe Might Kind of Have a Mate

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Maia Williams as Kristina Primenova

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Maia Williams as Kristina Primenova

Maia Williams as Kristina Primenova

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Wilson Williams as Cameron Boyce

Wilson Williams as Cameron Boyce

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Kyle Williams

Lydia Williams as Sophie Turner

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Lydia Williams as Sophie Turner

Kian Williams as Froy Gutierrez

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Kian Williams as Froy Gutierrez

Sienna's POV

"I missed you too dad," He holds me tighter while I feel Alpha Gabriel burning holes into the back of my head with his eyes. After a while my dad finally lets go and I go over to my mom and my younger sister, Maia who were both patiently waiting. Maia enthusiastically wraps her small arms around my waist as my mom hugs us both. I pick her up and make it a little easier for everyone. After I get hugs from everyone we get back into the vehicles with an exception of Finley and Hades because they both needed some fresh air. This time, I sat with Alpha Gabriel in the back of an SUV with two unfamiliar warriors in the front. The whole car ride to the pack house was full of awkward silence and Alpha Gabriel tapping his fingers.

Once we finally arrived, I got out of the vehicle as fast as I could. "Thanks," I say to the warrior who opened my door. He nodded at me and quietly followed me into the pack house. As soon as I open the door I am overwhelmed with the familiar smell of home, lavender and lemon grass. With a small smile on my face I continue walking and lead them to my father's office. I knock lightly on the door before opening it. I'm met with my father's welcoming smile and two new faces, "Sienna, perfect timing, this is Angel and Kiran Noel and they are going to be a part of your security team." I narrow my eyes, "I told you that I was just fine with Fin and Hades, they have done just fine protecting me." My dad gives me a parental look," You will barely even notice them, now out. I have business to discuss with Alpha Gabriel." I huff and turn around and leave, completely aware that both my new guards and the warriors that came with Alpha Gabriel are all following me.

I make my way out of the pack house and start the short walk over to my house. On the way there I find Finley and Hades, they quietly join us as we all walk to my house. I go to open the door before I am quickly stopped by one of Alpha Gabriel's warriors, I roll my eyes and Finley quirks an eyebrow. We walk in and my mom starts fussing, "No shoes on my carpet!" Me  and Finley burst out laughin. Hades just wipes his paws as the rest of them look at my mom in shock and quickly take off their shoes. I'm still snickering as my mom pulls me aside and sits my in the kitchen as she busies herself. "So sweetie, how are  you feeling?" I shrug, "I feel better now but at the same time not."

She gives me a knowing smile, "Do those feelings have to do with a certain mate of yours?" I lower my head and shrug. She sighs, "It will all work out baby, I promise. Do you think me and your father just magically fell in love right away?" I laugh, "I'm sure you fought him the whole way." She gives me a knowing look as she mixes whatever she had in the bowl, "You're damn right," She sends me a wink. Laugh and we continue to chat as she makes enough food to feed a country.

About an hour later hen everything was in the oven I hear the door slams open, "She's your mate!?" My dad's voice boom through the house and everyone goes silent. He storms into the kitchen with Alpha Gabriel by his arm, "Why didn't you tell me?" I go to speak but my mom beats me to it, "Oh hush James, you knew there was a possibility." Fire and fear burns through his eyes, "But it wasn't supposed to happen so soon, not now and not like this and not to an Alpha!" He makes eye contact with me the whole time, There was still fear and a bit of weariness but not as much fire anymore, like someone just told him they were going to take me away and he was never going to see me again.

My mom walks over to him and he lets go of Alpha Gabriel so she can hug him but he still stares at me over her shoulder. After he finally calms down a little he sits down next to me and grabs my hand, I run my thumb over his knuckles soothingly. I look over at Alpha Gabriel, who is still standing frozen in the door way, and send him a small smile. He noticeably calms down before quietly leaving the room giving us the needed privacy we needed. My dad looks at me, "If he ever, ever hurts you I will march right into his pack and take you back home. But not before I torture him to your little hearts content." I smile, "I know daddy." I give him a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs, into my room. I hear Finley and Hades follow me, along with two other sets of feet. I shut my door behind my boys and plop onto my bed with a sigh as I sling my hand over my eyes.

"Are you okay Sisi?" I can hear the concern in his voice. I nod, " I'm fine, it's just been a long last few days and everything is just a lot." I hear nothing in return and silently thank him for the quiet time as I slowly drift into a much-needed nap.


I wake up to my younger brother Wilson telling me dinner was done, I sit up and nod and he leaves. I look around and see that at some point Hades had gotten into bed next me and Finley was still half asleep on the sofa at the end of my bed. We slowly but surely get up and went downstairs to the dining room. I sleepily sit down and and rest my head on my hand. "I look up and see all of my siblings, Wilson, Maia, Joshua, Kyle, Kian and Lydia. Along with Alpha Gabriel, His two warriors in the outskirts of the room, and my two guards at the table. My mom made barbecue ribs, fried chicken, steak, mashed potatoes, macaroni, salad, corn, stuffing and fried potatoes, everyone digs in and I get handed a plate of brown rice and salmon. We all eat in silence, until Maia starts rambling about her horse Rylie. Rylie is a beautiful rocky mountain horse who is a dark chocolate color with an almost white tail and mane and she is completely obsessed with him.

After everyone was done with their plate, my mom gets up and comes back with an angel food cake cover in whipped cream and sugared strawberries. I immediately dig into my favorite dessert and my family all laugh knowingly. Slowly but surly, everyone carries on a light conversation throughout the rest of dessert.

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